1604 - 20-Jan-25
Lighthouse Challenge 2025 ready to go
Link1603 - 20-Jan-25
Distance Challenge 2025 ready to go
Link1602 - 20-Jan-25
PSK Awards 2024 on facebook
Link1601 - 20-Jan-25
PSK End of Year Round-Up 2024
Link1600 - 07-Jan-25
Phil Smith laps Portsea Island to round off the year - 02:57:49
Link1599 - 07-Jan-25
Charles Foster adds a tidy end of year haul from Terminal, Naples ands Treasure Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1598 - 07-Jan-25
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds the Sovereign Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1597 - 07-Jan-25
PSK End of Year Summary 2024 now up.
Link1596 - 29-Dec-24
Billy Butler crosses from England to Belgium (Ramsgate to De Panne) - 09:43 - a new record
Link1595 - 28-Dec-24
Phil Smith adds 6x laps of Brownsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1594 - 28-Dec-24
Charles Foster adds 5x laps of Naples and Treasure Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1593 - 28-Dec-24
Charles Foster adds a lap of Naples Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1592 - 28-Dec-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh laps Muglins Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1591 - 28-Dec-24
Nick Schade adds Mount Desert Island to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1590 - 13-Dec-24
Charles Foster adds 5x Flat Rock and 5x Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1589 - 13-Dec-24
Charles Foster adds various islands from Newport Harbor - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1588 - 19-Nov-24
Mike Conroy paddles a return trip out to Lundy - 02:52
Link1587 - 19-Nov-24
Eurion Brown laps Ramsey Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1586 - 19-Nov-24
Charles Foster adds various laps of Flat Rock, Bit Rock and Whale Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1585 - 19-Nov-24
Neal Ricketts laps Steep Holm and Flat Holm from England - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1584 - 08-Nov-24
Phil Smith adds numerous from the Summer Isles - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1583 - 08-Nov-24
Charles Foster adds Santa Catlina island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1582 - 08-Nov-24
Julian Haines takes the top spot with a tour of Dublin Bay lights - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1581 - 08-Nov-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds High and Low Islands, and Stack of Beans - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1580 - 08-Nov-24
Felipe Behrens' 190 day paddle around UK + Ireland added
Link1579 - 08-Nov-24
A new PSK page is added as Billy Butler laps Canvey Island - 01:43
Link1578 - 08-Nov-24
Billy Butler paddles the lenght of the Thames (Lechlade to Teddington - 199 km) in 16:32:12 - a K1 record?
Link1577 - 08-Nov-24
Mike Conroy laps Eddystone lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1576 - 08-Nov-24
Charles Foster adds various from 2 trips to Baja California - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1575 - 08-Nov-24
Billy Butler starts the ball rolling with a 01:43 lap of a new PSK Circ island - Canvey Island
Link1574 - 08-Nov-24
Charles Foster adds 5x laps of Whale, Bit and Flat Rocks - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1573 - 08-Nov-24
Billy Butler adds Boerenplaat Island (Dordrecht) - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1572 - 29-Oct-24
Andrew Birkett and Billy Butler lap Hayling Island in 01:34:11 - a new record.
Link1571 - 29-Oct-24
Dave Cutts, Lorenzo Cutts and Kathy Webb add Isola di Figarolo - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1570 - 29-Oct-24
Charles Foster adds 6 laps of Scorpion Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1569 - 29-Oct-24
Helen Johnston and Julian Haines add Rathlin O'Birne lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1568 - 20-Oct-24
Charles Foster adds 5 laps each of Flat Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1567 - 20-Oct-24
Eurion Brown adds Alney Island, R.Severn - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1566 - 20-Oct-24
Llyn Padarn TT results - 2024/2025 Race 1 added
Link1565 - 20-Oct-24
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson complete the Malltraeth Madness - Anglesey Masters - 02:51
Link1564 - 20-Sep-24
Neal Ricketts adds various from Portreath to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1563 - 20-Sep-24
A 2022 English Channel - Dover Strait crossing added by Gary Fletcher - 07:21
Link1562 - 20-Sep-24
Tue Olesen adds a 100K Day - 1000.1 km
Link1561 - 20-Sep-24
Tom Holland and Alex Sheppy set a new record for Hayling Island lap - 01:35:50
Link1560 - 20-Sep-24
Mirco Goldhausen completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 13:30:35
Link1559 - 20-Sep-24
Billy Butler completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 09:18:27 - a new record
Link1558 - 20-Sep-24
Charles Foster adds 5 laps of Bit Rock and Flat Rock Rock - 1000 Islands
Link1557 - 13-Sep-24
Mike Lambert's GB Circumnav added - 58 days.
Link1556 - 13-Sep-24
Jeff Parker adds 2x laps of Hayling Island.
Link1555 - 06-Sep-24
Jonathan Hamnett completes the Eddystone Rocks Challenge - 06:48
Link1554 - 06-Sep-24
Ed Loffill completes the 3 Mice - Anglesey Masters - 03:52
Link1553 - 06-Sep-24
Simon Augustin adds a 1 hr Distance Challenge run - 10.37 km
Link1552 - 06-Sep-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh and Damian Hammill add East and West Maiden lights - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1551 - 28-Aug-24
Michael O'Farrell rounds Belle-Île-en-Mer - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1550 - 28-Aug-24
Ian Kavanagh adds a visit to Rockabill - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1549 - 28-Aug-24
Ed Lofill completes The Skerries leg of the Anglesey Masters challenge - 02:06
Link1548 - 28-Aug-24
Mike Conroy completes his 3 Capitals Kayak exped - 87 days
Link1547 - 28-Aug-24
Mike Conroy adds Middle Channel Rocks light (Milford Haven) - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1546 - 28-Aug-24
Julain Haines adds East and West Maiden lights - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1545 - 28-Aug-24
Charles Foster adds 5 laps of Whale Rock - 1000 Islands
Link1544 - 28-Aug-24
Neal Ricketts adds Brecqhou, and others - 1000 Islands
Link1543 - 13-Aug-24
Ian Kavanagh completes a 3hr Distance Challenge - 29.58km
Link1542 - 13-Aug-24
Note: Low water levels on the Lancaster Canal after a breach - M6 Challenge
Link1541 - 13-Aug-24
Charles Foster adds 5 laps of Whale Rock - 1000 Islands
Link1540 - 13-Aug-24
Ed Loffill adds a run of the Anglesey Masters - The Stacks course - 03:49
Link1539 - 06-Aug-24
Rhys Hunt and Paul Barrett lap the Isel of Sheppey - 07:42
Link1538 - 06-Aug-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds Adam and Eve Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1537 - 06-Aug-24
Mike Lambert completes his GB Circ - 58 days (details tbc)
Link1536 - 06-Aug-24
Phil Smith adds No Man's fort and Horse Sand Fort- Lighthouse Challenge
Link1535 - 06-Aug-24
Mike Conroy adds Pladda and Ailsa Craig - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1534 - 06-Aug-24
Charles Foster adds 7 laps of Flat Rock and 8 of Bit Rock - 1000 Islands
Link1533 - 16-Jul-24
Phil Smith adds various Norwegian islands - 1000 Islands
Link1532 - 16-Jul-24
Ian Kavanagh completes a 3hr Distance Challenge - 28.99 km
Link1531 - 16-Jul-24
Charles Foster adds 5 laps of Flat and Bit Rocks - 1000 Islands
Link1530 - 11-Jul-24
Mike Conroy adds Bass Rock and Fidra - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1529 - 11-Jul-24
Tim Haines paddles to St Kilda - 11:42 - 13:04 for the return.
Link1528 - 11-Jul-24
Ed Loffill adds a Anglesey Masters - Rhoscolyn Beacon run - 01:44
Link1527 - 11-Jul-24
Michael O'Farrell and Liam McCarthy add a team run on the Tuskar Rock Challenge - 02:39:08
Link1526 - 11-Jul-24
Mike Conroy adds Outer and Inner Farne and Coquet Island - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1525 - 11-Jul-24
Rhys Hunt and Paul Barret add Rona and Eilean Trodday lights - Lighthouse Challenge
+ various Skye islands
Link1524 - 11-Jul-24
Michael O'Farrell adds laps of Lambay, Colt and St Patrick's Islands - 1000 Islands
Link1523 - 28-Jun-24
Phil Smith adds various from the Solent - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1522 - 28-Jun-24
Phil Smith adds 3x laps of Brownsea Island - 1000 Islands
Link1521 - 28-Jun-24
Kevin Mansell laps Jersey - 1000 Islands
Link1520 - 28-Jun-24
Chris Wade laps Raasay - 05:53 - a new record
Link1519 - 28-Jun-24
Chris Wade and Stuart Marshall lap Lunga - 1000 Islands
Link1518 - 28-Jun-24
Chris Wade, Stuart Marshall and Glenn Sutcliffe lap Seil - 1000 Islands
Link1517 - 28-Jun-24
Scott Bekker adds 2 laps of Garrett Island - 1000 Islands
Link1516 - 28-Jun-24
Julian Haines and Alex Yarmoshko also add a trip to Kish Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1515 - 28-Jun-24
Ed Loffill circumnavs Bute - 09:01:17
Link1514 - 28-Jun-24
Ian Kavanagh adds a trip to Kish Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1513 - 28-Jun-24
Julian Haines adds a further lap of Rockabill - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1512 - 28-Jun-24
Neal Ricketts completes a 5hr Distance CHallenge - 31.4 km
Link1511 - 15-Jun-24
Simon Augustin adds Kalkgrund Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1510 - 14-Jun-24
Michael O'Farrell adds Spit Bank light - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1509 - 14-Jun-24
Warren Ogden laps Brownsea Island - 1000 Islands
Link1508 - 14-Jun-24
Simon Augustin completes a 1hr Distance Challenge - 10.21km
Link1507 - 14-Jun-24
Brent van der Linde, Will Richardson, John Niven and Alex Geary-Jones cross the North Channel in folding doubles - 07:42
Link1506 - 14-Jun-24
Phil Smith laps Hayling Island and Portsea Island - same day
Link1505 - 14-Jun-24
Simon Palmer adds L'Ost Pic lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1504 - 14-Jun-24
Scott and Mary Bekker add Craighill Channel Lower Range Light Rear Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1503 - 14-Jun-24
Scott and Mary Bekker lap Snake, Robert and Wood Island, Susquehanna River - 1000 Islands
Link1502 - 14-Jun-24
Margarita Felixburger, Tavi Muarray and Russ Scaplehorn complete a lap of Wales - 27 days
Link1501 - 28-May-24
Anthony Debesne laps Sherkin Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1500 - 28-May-24
Charles Foster laps Terminal ISland - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1499 - 28-May-24
Marcus Francis and John Gray lap Mull - 6 days
Link1498 - 28-May-24
Mike Conroy laps the Isle of Wight - 28:59
Link1497 - 28-May-24
Mike Conroy adds Nab Tower - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1496 - 28-May-24
Julian Haines and Colin Orr lap Ailsa Craig - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1495 - 28-May-24
Michael O' Farrell adds Great and Little Saltee Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1494 - 28-May-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds Fastnet Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1493 - 19-May-24
Julian Haines and Colin Orr add Barra Head - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1492 - 19-May-24
Simon Margot laps the Isle of Wight - 10:06
Link1491 - 19-May-24
Julian Haines and Colin Orr add Fladda and Garvellachs light - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1490 - 19-May-24
Mike Conroy adds Flat Holm, Monkstone and Black Rock the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1489 - 19-May-24
Charles Foster adds Terminal Island and various laps of Whale, Bit and Flt Rock - 1000 Islands
Link1488 - 19-May-24
Sue Honan and Anthony Debesne add Slyne Head to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1487 - 19-May-24
Neil and Brian Turnbull add Longstone to the Lighthouse Challenge
+ various Farnes to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1486 - 30-Apr-24
Tavi Murray adds Mumbles Lighthouse to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1485 - 30-Apr-24
Ian Kavanagh adds North Bull and North Bank lights to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1484 - 30-Apr-24
Neil Turnbull adds Oxcars and Inch Garvie lights to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1483 - 30-Apr-24
Phil Smith laps Bute and Inchmarnock
Link1482 - 30-Apr-24
Phil Smith adds Ailsa Craig to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1481 - 30-Apr-24
Phil Smith laps Portsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1480 - 30-Apr-24
Mike Conroy adds Wolf Rock to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1479 - 30-Apr-24
Mike Lamberts sets a new record for Hayling Island Circ - 01:51:51
Link1478 - 30-Apr-24
Catriona Woods joins the Lighthouse Challenge with Inishtrahull and Aranmore Lighthouses
Link1477 - 30-Apr-24
Matt Molloy joins the Lighthouse Challenge with The Needles Lighthouse
Link1476 - 30-Apr-24
Anthony Debesne adds Earagh Lighthouse to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1475 - 30-Apr-24
Chris Wade adds 3 laps of Puffin Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1474 - 30-Apr-24
Julian Haines and Colin Orr add Great Skellig to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1473 - 30-Apr-24
Sue Honan, Michael O'Farrell, Ray O'Donnell, and Emer O'Boyle add Tuskar Rock to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1472 - 22-Apr-24
Jason Morley joins the 1000 Islands Challenge, Ynys Welltog
Link1471 - 13-Apr-24
Michael O'Farrell adds Kish Bank Lighthouse to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1470 - 13-Apr-24
Charles Foster adds 3 laps of Isla San Luis Gonzaga
Link1469 - 13-Apr-24
Brian and Neil Turnbull complete a 1hr Distance Challenge - 17km, River TWeed
Link1468 - 13-Apr-24
Sue Honan adds Clare Island Lighthouse to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1467 - 13-Apr-24
Anthony Debesne adds Copper Rock Lighthouse, County Cork to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1466 - 03-Apr-24
Neil Turnbull adds Bass Rock and Fidra to the Lighthouse Challenge
Link1465 - 03-Apr-24
Neil turnbull completes a 3hr Distance Challenge - 24.1 km
Link1464 - 28-Mar-24
Dries Vreslust completes a 3hr Distance Challenge - 25.2 km
Link1463 - 28-Mar-24
Mike Conroy adds Eddystone and takes top spot - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1462 - 28-Mar-24
Ian Kavanagh and Jim Kehoe complete a 5hr Distance Challenge - 36.7 km
Link1461 - 28-Mar-24
Mike Conroy adds Longships and Godrevy Lighthouses - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1460 - 21-Mar-24
Llyn Padarn TT - end of season results
Link1459 - 21-Mar-24
Anthony Debesne adds Ballycotton Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1458 - 21-Mar-24
Julian Haines, Emer O'Boyle, Sue Honan, Colin Orr and group add the 3 lights on Rathlin Island - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1457 - 21-Mar-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds Barrack Point Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1456 - 21-Mar-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds Sherkin Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1455 - 21-Mar-24
Anthony Debesne adds Whiddy Island and Spike Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1454 - 21-Mar-24
Charles Foster adds 1x lap of Flat Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1453 - 14-Mar-24
Chris Wade completes a lap of Walney ISland - 02:56:56
Link1452 - 14-Mar-24
Phil Smith adds 10x laps of Stone ISland and 8x of Brownsea, Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1451 - 14-Mar-24
Ian Kavanagh cements his early lead on the Lighthouse Challenge with a trip to Rockabill
Link1450 - 12-Mar-24
Felipe Behrens starts out on an attempt to circumnavigate GB + Ireland
Link1449 - 01-Mar-24
Neil Turnbull adds Farne Island Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1448 - 01-Mar-24
Rhys Hunt and Paul Barrett add St Helen's Fort - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1447 - 01-Mar-24
Charles Foster adds Bit Rock and Flat Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1446 - 01-Mar-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds Angus Rock Light from Strangford Narrows - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1445 - 21-Feb-24
Billy Butler laps Mersea Island - 01:29:09 - a new record
Link1444 - 21-Feb-24
Chris Wade laps Lismore - 04:21:47 - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1443 - 21-Feb-24
Charles Foster adds various from Huntington Harbour, CA - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1442 - 21-Feb-24
Michael O'Farrell joins the lighthouse challenge, with Rockabill
Link1441 - 21-Feb-24
Simon Palmer laps Hayling Island - 02:20:07
Link1440 - 21-Feb-24
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds various from Strangford Lough - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1439 - 06-Feb-24
Chris Wade and Stuart Marshall add a lap of Bute - 2 days
Link1438 - 06-Feb-24
Charles Foster adds 4 x laps of Treasure Island and Naples Island - 1000 Island Challenge
Link1437 - 06-Feb-24
John Willacy - Menai Challenge Full course - 58:35
Link1436 - 06-Feb-24
Pascale Eichenmuller - Menai Challenge Full course - 68:57
Link1435 - 06-Feb-24
Paul Gallagher - Menai Challenge Full course - 69:12
Link1434 - 06-Feb-24
Charles Foster adds 2 x laps Flat Rock - 4 x Bit Rock - 1000 Island Challenge
Link1433 - 28-Jan-24
Phil Smith completes a Portsea/Hayling Infinity Lop - 06:56:26 for both
Link1432 - 28-Jan-24
Anthony Debesne laps Great Island - 03:05:16
Link1431 - 28-Jan-24
Cormac Ó Bric laps Great Island - 03:18:43
Link1430 - 20-Jan-24
Charles Foster laps Whale Rock - 1000 Island Challenge
Link1429 - 20-Jan-24
David Priddis joins the 1000 Island Challenge - St Aunbin's Fort, Elizabeth Castle
Link1428 - 19-Jan-24
Phil Smith also adds 2x laps of Portsea - 03:32 and 03:06
Link1427 - 19-Jan-24
Llyn Padarn TT GDPR update
Link1426 - 19-Jan-24
Phil Smith laps Hayling - 03:07
Link1425 - 19-Jan-24
Bryan Dickinson and Jenny Wong add runs of the Menai Mini TT 2024 - 28:22 and 31:39
Link1424 - 19-Jan-24
Paul Gallagher starts off the Menai Mini TT 2024
Link1423 - 19-Jan-24
Rhys Hunt and Paul Barrett lap the Isle of Wight - 12:16
Link1422 - 19-Jan-24
Neal Ricketts visits Plymouth Breakwater Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1421 - 19-Jan-24
Charles Foster adds a lap of Terminal Island - 1000 Island Challenge
Link1420 - 19-Jan-24
Ian Kavanagh adds Rockabill Lighthouse - Lighthouse Challenge
Link1419 - 19-Jan-24
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy start the Lighthouse Challenge rolling with a visit to Trwyn Du (Puffin Island)
Link1418 - 15-Jan-24
Link1417 - 08-Jan-24
The new PSK Lighthouse Challenge is launched!
Link1416 - 08-Jan-24
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add Puffin Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1415 - 08-Jan-24
Charles Foster adds laps of the 'Astronaut Islands' - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1414 - 07-Jan-24
Amy Goolden and Mike Mayberry complete a crossing of St George's Channel - 15:47 - Sep 23
Link1413 - 28-Dec-23
Charles Foster adds 5x laps of Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1412 - 18-Dec-23
Charles Foster adds 2x laps of Naples Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1411 - 18-Dec-23
Michael O'Farrell adds 2x laps of Lambay Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1410 - 18-Dec-23
Charles Foster adds 5x laps of Whale Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1409 - 15-Dec-23
PSK 2023 End of Year Summary now online.
Link1408 - 14-Dec-23
Charles Foster adds further laps of Flat Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1407 - 14-Dec-23
Neil Turnbull sets a PB to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 16.84km
Link1406 - 14-Dec-23
Eurion Brown adds a lap of Mumbles Head - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1405 - 14-Dec-23
Rob Henshall's 1981 ROI Circ details updated
Link1404 - 14-Dec-23
John Chase adds a further lap of Power Island, Lake Michigan - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1403 - 14-Dec-23
Charles Foster moves to the Top of the leaderboard - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1402 - 05-Dec-23
John Chase adds various from Lake Huron, Canada - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1401 - 05-Dec-23
Charles Foster adds more laps of Flat Rock, Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1400 - 05-Dec-23
Simon Augustin adds a 1hr Distance Challenge on his Ergo - 10.219 km
Link1399 - 05-Dec-23
Charles Foster adds numerous laps of Flat Rock, Bit Rock and Whale Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1398 - 05-Dec-23
Charles Foster adds various from Sea of Cortez, Mexico - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1397 - 23-Nov-23
Llyn Padarn TT 2023 page updated
Link1396 - 22-Nov-23
Orlando Navarro adds a lap of Isla Tenglo - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1395 - 22-Nov-23
Scott Bekker adds 3 from Chesapeake Bay - Park, North Sand and Fishing Battery - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1394 - 22-Nov-23
Charles Foster adds Toveemur Island to the 1000 Islands Challenge, along with various laps of Flat and Bit Rock and Whale Island
Link1393 - 31-Oct-23
Kevin Mansell adds 13x laps of St Aubin's Fort
Link1392 - 31-Oct-23
Neal Ricketts completes the full length of the South Devon Coastline
Link1391 - 31-Oct-23
Scott Bekker adds 12 islands from the Susquehanna River
Link1390 - 31-Oct-23
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson complete a run of the Menai Mini TT - 31:50- and 29:25 respectively
Link1389 - 26-Oct-23
John Willacy completes a CCW Anglesey Circumnav - 11:44:33
Link1388 - 17-Oct-23
Gary and Thomas Edwards complete a lap of Holy Island - 05:35:17
Link1387 - 17-Oct-23
Eurion Brown ads Stack Rocks, St Bride's Bay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1386 - 17-Oct-23
Paul Gallagher adds a Menai Mini TT run too - 34:09
Link1385 - 17-Oct-23
Bryan Dickinson completes a Menai Mini TT run - 28:54
Link1384 - 17-Oct-23
Neal Rickets adds various from the Dartmouth area, and completes the Devon Coastline in the bargain - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1383 - 16-Oct-23
Simon Augustin adds a 5hr Distance Challenge - 43.1 km
Link1382 - 16-Oct-23
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a 1hr Distance Challenge - 9.98 km
Link1381 - 16-Oct-23
Charles Foster adds numerous laps of Flat Rock, Whale Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1380 - 16-Oct-23
Neal Rickets adds various from Slapton Sands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1379 - 16-Oct-23
Steve Wood completes a lap of Hayling Island - 02:30:11
Link1378 - 15-Oct-23
Giles Hudson and Billy Butler complete a lap of Hayling (K2) - 01:43:29 - a record
Link1377 - 04-Oct-23
Billy Butler completes a lap of Isle of Wight - 06:28:31 - a record
Link1376 - 04-Oct-23
Nige Warren adds a 1hr Distance Challenge - 10.64 km
Link1375 - 04-Oct-23
Rhys Hunt and Giles Hudson completes a lap of Isle of Wight - 07:23:50 - a new team record
Link1374 - 04-Oct-23
Tim Haines rounds Point of Ayr Lighthouse - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1373 - 04-Oct-23
Phil Smith completes a solo lap of Isle of Wight - 09:52:54
Link1372 - 04-Oct-23
Doug Herbert rounds Mersea Island - 01:51:25
Link1371 - 04-Oct-23
Charles Foster adds 5 x laps of Treasure Island and Naples Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1370 - 04-Oct-23
Daniel van Niekerk completes a SUP run of the Puffin TT - 04:34:27 - a new SUP record
Link1369 - 27-Sep-23
Jon Needham adds Portsea, Hayling and Ramsey Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1368 - 27-Sep-23
Charles Foster adds the Astronaut Islands, Long Beach Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1367 - 27-Sep-23
Anita Suter adds a 1hr Distance Challenge - 10.68 km
Link1366 - 24-Sep-23
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a 1hr Ergo Distance Challenge - 8.06 km
Link1365 - 24-Sep-23
John Willacy adds a 1hr Ergo Distance Challenge - 11.32 km
Link1364 - 24-Sep-23
Morecambe Bay Crossing page added.
Link1363 - 21-Sep-23
Glenn Sutcliffe and Chris Wade complete a Morecambe Bay return crossing - 02:40 + 02:41
Link1362 - 21-Sep-23
Peter Gater also adds 4x laps of Old Harry - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1361 - 21-Sep-23
Tim Haines and Laura Groom lap Hilbre Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1360 - 20-Sep-23
Mike Conroy crosses from IOM to England - 09:37:01
Link1359 - 20-Sep-23
Charles Foster adds various from Mono Lake, California - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1358 - 19-Sep-23
Mike Ellicock circumnavs the Isle of Wight, by rowing boat - 09:39:35
Link1357 - 19-Sep-23
Scott Bekker adds Kent Island, Chesapeake Bay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1356 - 19-Sep-23
Peter Gater adds various from Poole - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1355 - 19-Sep-23
Kevin Manselll adds 14x laps of St Aubin's Fort, Jersey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1354 - 19-Sep-23
Kevin Manselll adds 3x laps of Comino, Malta - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1353 - 19-Sep-23
Simon Augustin completes a 100K Day - 111.17 km
Link1352 - 19-Sep-23
Simon Augustin adds a lap of Als - 86 km - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1351 - 19-Sep-23
Neil Turnbull adds a lap of Inchmarnock as he warms up for the Great Cumbrae Race - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1350 - 19-Sep-23
Julian Haines and Emer O'Boyle complete a return crossing of the North Channel - 05:36 and 06:06
Link1349 - 19-Sep-23
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson complete a circumnav of Bute - 08:19:03
Link1348 - 19-Sep-23
Phil Smith adds various from the Jurassic Coast - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1347 - 19-Sep-23
Peter Miller and Phil Smith completes a 100K Day - 101.62 km
Link1346 - 19-Sep-23
Phil Smith, Andy ironside and Peter Miller lap the Isle of Wight - 13:08:28
Link1345 - 19-Sep-23
Phil Smith adds a further Hayling Island lap - 04:16:47
Link1344 - 19-Sep-23
Phil Smith adds an Infinity Loop of Portsea/Hayling Islands - 03:05:53/03:08:54
Link1343 - 19-Sep-23
Phil Smith adds 10x laps of Brownsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1342 - 19-Sep-23
Phil Smith laps Hayling Island - 02:37:01
Link1341 - 18-Sep-23
Pascale Eichenmuller and Paul Gallagher set PBs on the Menai Mini TT - 26:40 and 26:18 respectively
Link1340 - 16-Sep-23
Bryan Dickinson returns to the Menai Challenge - Full course - 69:10
Link1339 - 16-Sep-23
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson add times to the Menai Mini TT - 31:33 and 29:47 respectively
Link1338 - 16-Sep-23
Missing time updated for 2002 Irish Sea Crossing - Rob Cunliffe and George Arnison - 19:55:00
Link1337 - 16-Sep-23
Peter Gater adds 9 x laps of Brownsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1336 - 16-Sep-23
Peter Gater also adds a team lap of Hayling - 04:50:04
Link1335 - 16-Sep-23
Steve Wood laps Hayling Island - 02:35:53
Link1334 - 11-Sep-23
John Willacy completes a crossing from Anglesey to Isle of Man - 08:59:49
Link1333 - 05-Sep-23
Charles Foster adds a few more laps from the California coastline - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1332 - 05-Sep-23
Giles Hudson and Nick Cunliffe complete an Anglesey Circumnav - 11:13:25 - Team Record
Link1331 - 05-Sep-23
James Gerrie, Eamon Hanlon and Roger Simmons complete a lap of Holy Island - 06:09:58
Link1330 - 05-Sep-23
Michael O'Farrell completes a lap of Achill Island - 65km - 11:00:25 - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1329 - 05-Sep-23
Mike Conroy laps Rathlin Island, N.I. - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1328 - 05-Sep-23
Mike Ellicock completes a 107 mi coastal row - Lewes to Pool Harbour
Link1327 - 05-Sep-23
Nick Goodall adds a lap of Ynys Dulas - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1326 - 05-Sep-23
Paul Gallagher adds a run of the Menai Mini TT - 28:14
Link1325 - 05-Sep-23
Peter Gater laps Hayling Island - 04:00
Link1324 - 05-Sep-23
Tim Haines completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 40:50 - 3 days
Link1323 - 25-Aug-23
1000 Islands Challenge - a new page listing details of all islands added.
Link1322 - 24-Aug-23
Charles Foster adds 5x Flat Rock and 7x Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1321 - 24-Aug-23
Kevin Mansell adds 3x laps St Aubin's Fort, Jersey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1320 - 24-Aug-23
Mike Martin suggests a new TT course - Sherkin Island - 12km ~ 01:25
Link1319 - 24-Aug-23
Mull Circumnav added - Ian Tindall - 52:55
Link1318 - 24-Aug-23
Rich Hughes adds Turbot Island and Inishturk - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1317 - 24-Aug-23
Rich Hughes is joined by Beth Larham to add Lackgolana - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1316 - 18-Aug-23
Eurion Brown adds Rùm - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1315 - 18-Aug-23
Kevin Mansell adds Pâkitsup Qeqertâ, Ritenbenck and Qeqertâ, Greenland - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1314 - 18-Aug-23
Mary and Scott Bekker add Robert, Wood and Snake Island, Susquehanna River, Maryland - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1313 - 18-Aug-23
Mike Conroy completes his circumnav of Ireland - details tbc.
Link1312 - 18-Aug-23
Neil Turnbull adds various from the Firth of Forth - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1311 - 18-Aug-23
Nick Goodall adds The Skerries - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1310 - 18-Aug-23
Peter Gater adds a solo lap of Hayling Island - 03:46:47
Link1309 - 18-Aug-23
Peter Gater adds an infinity loop of Hayling and Portsea including a PB for Hayling - 03:26:16 and 03:47:32 respectively
Link1308 - 18-Aug-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds 4 of the 7 Hoggs, County Kerry - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1307 - 18-Aug-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh also adds An Fiach and Foighish - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1306 - 17-Aug-23
John Willacy completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 10:28:26
Link1305 - 05-Aug-23
Charles Foster adds 3 laps of Naples Island and 3 of Treasure Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1304 - 05-Aug-23
Mike Martin joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with various from West Cork - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1303 - 05-Aug-23
Paul Gallagher adds a run of the Menai Mini TT - 34:40
Link1302 - 04-Aug-23
Charles Foster adds 94 laps of Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1301 - 04-Aug-23
Chris Wade adds Rona, Raasay and Scalpay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1300 - 04-Aug-23
Jim Kehoe and Ian Kavanagh round Tuskar Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1299 - 04-Aug-23
Michael O'Farrell adds Valentia Island and Beginish - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1298 - 04-Aug-23
Nick Goodall adds Kerrera, Luing and others - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1297 - 04-Aug-23
Tue Olesen completes a 100K Day - 102.37 km
Link1296 - 17-Jul-23
Charles Foster adds numerous islands from Lopez Sound, Washington State - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1295 - 17-Jul-23
Mike Conroy adds Inishbofin to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1294 - 17-Jul-23
Pascale Eichenmuller completes a Menai Challenge run - Challenge course 55:38
Link1293 - 11-Jul-23
Charles Foster adds Decatur Island + various from Lopez Sound, Washington State - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1292 - 11-Jul-23
Dougal Glaisher, Mat Rowlands and Billy Butler cross the St George's Channel - 10:40:12
Link1291 - 11-Jul-23
Michael O'Farrell adds Haulbowline, Rocky Island and Spike Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1290 - 11-Jul-23
Neal Ricketts completes a Hayling Island lap - 02:53:15
Link1289 - 11-Jul-23
New page added: Circumnav Kerrera
Link1288 - 11-Jul-23
Pascale Eichenmuller completes a Menai Challenge run - Challenge course 57:48
Link1287 - 11-Jul-23
Simon Champ adds Haulbowline and Spike Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1286 - 11-Jul-23
Tom Holland and Alex Sheppy set a new record for Hayling Island lap - 01:53:55
Link1285 - 09-Jul-23
PSK Info pages updated
Link1284 - 03-Jul-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones adds various from The Swellies - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1283 - 03-Jul-23
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson also lap Kerrera
02:20:42 and 02:16:27 respectively - no page yet
Link1282 - 03-Jul-23
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson complete a 5 day lap of Mull
Link1281 - 03-Jul-23
Jim Kehoe and Ian Kavanagh complete a North Channel Crossing - 04:22:39
Link1280 - 03-Jul-23
Kevin Mansell adds Icho and Seymour Tower, Jersey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1279 - 03-Jul-23
Michal Madera and Natalie Maderova add the Red Sands Forts - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1278 - 03-Jul-23
Neal Ricketts adds laps of Drake's Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1277 - 03-Jul-23
Neal Ricketts adds various from Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1276 - 03-Jul-23
Neal Ricketts adds various from Start Bay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1275 - 03-Jul-23
Neil Turnbull adds laps of The Lamb and Craigleith - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1274 - 03-Jul-23
Nick Goodall adds West Mouse to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1273 - 03-Jul-23
Pat Rodger and Tash Ó Treasaigh lap Hare Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1272 - 03-Jul-23
Pat Rodgers adds Carthy's Island and Calf Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1271 - 03-Jul-23
Simon Champ rounds Great Island - 02:46:46
Link1270 - 22-Jun-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones adds Ynys Seriol, Moelfre and Dulas - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1269 - 22-Jun-23
Kevin Mansell adds Les Burons and Noire Roque - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1268 - 22-Jun-23
Kevin Mansell completes a circumnav of Jersey along with Jersey Canoe Club - 06:48:38
Link1267 - 22-Jun-23
Michael O'Farrell adds A lap of Ireland's Eye, Lambay Island and Inishnee - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1266 - 22-Jun-23
Neal Ricketts adds Darling's Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1265 - 22-Jun-23
Neal Ricketts adds various from around Bolt Tail - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1264 - 22-Jun-23
Neal Ricketts adds various from the Boscastle coastline - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1263 - 22-Jun-23
Tom Turcan adds a further lap of Great Cumbrae Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1262 - 21-Jun-23
Catriona Woods interviewed for the Paddling The Blue podcast
Link1261 - 21-Jun-23
Charles Foster adds 6x laps of Flat Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1260 - 21-Jun-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones adds various islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1259 - 21-Jun-23
Fiona Dubber and Ken Oliver joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with a lap of Whitton ISland, River Humber - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1258 - 21-Jun-23
Glenn Sutcliffe and Chris Wade complete a team lap of Jura - 3 days
Link1257 - 21-Jun-23
Neil Turnbull adds Bass Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1256 - 21-Jun-23
Steve Kings adds a lap of Ramsey Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1255 - 21-Jun-23
Tom Turcan adds a lap of Great Cumbrae Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1254 - 08-Jun-23
Charles Foster adds various laps of Naples Island, Treasure Island and Flat Rock/Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1253 - 08-Jun-23
Glenn Sutcliffe and Charlotte Webb complete a 3 days lap of Bute
Link1252 - 08-Jun-23
Mike Conroy completes a North Channel Crossing from Portpatrick to Great Copleand Island - 05:33:07
Link1251 - 08-Jun-23
Neil Turnbull adds Lindisfarne to the challenge - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1250 - 01-Jun-23
Charles Foster adds a number of laps of Flat Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1249 - 01-Jun-23
Neal Ricketts adds various from Dartmouth - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1248 - 01-Jun-23
Steven Whipp adds various from Loch Lomond - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1247 - 01-Jun-23
Tim Haines adds a large number (~50) of islands from the Garvellachs/Luing area - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1246 - 31-May-23
Charles Foster adds a lap of Flat Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1245 - 31-May-23
Chris Wade completes the circumnav of Mull - 54:29:09
Link1244 - 31-May-23
Kevin Mansell adds various off the coast of St Malo - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1243 - 31-May-23
Margarita Felixberger, Tavi Murray and Laura Hau round Mull - 9 days
Link1242 - 31-May-23
Steven Whipp laps Kerrera - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1241 - 24-May-23
Charles Foster adds 3 x laps of Bit Rock and Flat Rock, L.A. - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1240 - 24-May-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones adds 4 x Puffin Island + Swellies various - 1000 Islands points table
Link1239 - 24-May-23
Kevin Mansell adds Grande Île - 1000 Islands points table
Link1238 - 24-May-23
Neal Ricketts adds various from Trevose Head - 1000 Islands points table
Link1237 - 24-May-23
Pat Rodgers and Tina Reed complete a 437 km lap of Corsica
Link1236 - 24-May-23
Pat Rodgers and Tina Reed's lap of Corsica rewrites the 1000 Islands points table
Link1235 - 24-May-23
Paul Gallagher adds a run of the Menai Challenge Full - 66:37
Link1234 - 24-May-23
Simon Palmer, Jonathan Males and Tim Ward complete a lap of Lundy
Link1233 - 24-May-23
Simon Palmer, Jonathan Males and Tim Ward cross to Lundy
Link1232 - 24-May-23
Steven Whipp bags 18 islands from Lake Windermere - 1000 Islands points table
Link1231 - 24-May-23
Steven Whipp bags 8 islands from Loch Lomond - 1000 Islands points table
Link1230 - 24-May-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh rounds Ireland's Eye - 1000 Islands points table
Link1229 - 23-May-23
Llyn Padarn TT page reworked to include PBs etc
Link1228 - 16-May-23
Charles Foster adds a further lap of Terminal Island, Long Beach - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1227 - 16-May-23
Charles Foster adds various laps of the Astronaut Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1226 - 16-May-23
Chris Wade and Glenn Sutcliffe also add Ulva, Staffa and Iona - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1225 - 16-May-23
Eurion Brown laps Ramsey Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1224 - 16-May-23
Eurion Brown laps Skomer - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1223 - 16-May-23
Kevin Mansell adds Isla San Francisco and El Pardito, Baja California - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1222 - 16-May-23
Kevin Mansell provides our first lap of Mont Saint-Michel - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1221 - 16-May-23
Natalie Maderova and Michal Madera adds Inner Farne - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1220 - 16-May-23
Nick Goodall adds St Tudwal's East and West - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1219 - 16-May-23
Orlando Navarro adds a lap of Isla del Rey, Chile - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1218 - 16-May-23
Peter Gater adds a double lap of Brownsea, plus Furzey and Green Island, Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1217 - 16-May-23
Peter Gater laps Brownsea Island, Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1216 - 16-May-23
Rob Slater joins the 1000 Islands Challenge, with various around Llanddwyn Island on his SUP
Link1215 - 02-May-23
Eurion Brown ventures out once again to Flat Holm and Steep Holm, Bristol Channel - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1214 - 02-May-23
Kevin Mansell rounds Grosse Tête, Les Écréhous - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1213 - 02-May-23
Orlando Navarro adds Isla Liguiña, Isla Huapi and Isla Mancerra, Chile - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1212 - 02-May-23
Peter Gater completes his first lap of Hayling Island - 04:36
Link1211 - 01-May-23
John Willacy completes a lap of the Menai Challenge Full course - 54:23
Link1210 - 01-May-23
Pascale Eichenmuller completes a lap of the Menai Challenge Full course - 67:13
Link1209 - 28-Apr-23
Chris Wade completes a lap of Walney Island - 03:26:34
Link1208 - 28-Apr-23
George Shaw and Daniel Shimmin complete a crossing from Isle of Man to repulbic or Ireland - 12:19:40
Link1207 - 28-Apr-23
Henning de Haas rounds the Fur island in Denmark - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1206 - 28-Apr-23
Ian Cooke completes a SUP lap of Walney Island - 04:16:35
A SUP first maybe?
Link1205 - 28-Apr-23
John Willacy adds a Beacon run of the Anglesey MAsters Challenge - 02:08
Link1204 - 28-Apr-23
Paul Gallagher completes another lap of the Menai Mini TT - 28:54
Link1203 - 24-Apr-23
PSK Uniques page undergoes a revamp.
Link1202 - 19-Apr-23
Charles Foster adds a lap of Terminal Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1201 - 19-Apr-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones sets a new PB on the Menai Mini TT - 32:12
Link1200 - 19-Apr-23
Giuseppe Debernardi's 80km lap of Elba added - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1199 - 19-Apr-23
Henning de Haas adds Venø to the 2023 challenge - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1198 - 19-Apr-23
Mike Ellicock rows out to (and around) the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm - 1000 Islands
Link1197 - 19-Apr-23
Mike Ellicock rows out to (and around) the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm - 1000 Islands
Link1196 - 19-Apr-23
Neal Ricketts adds various from Bigbury Bay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1195 - 19-Apr-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds a Skeam West and Hare (Heir) Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1194 - 14-Apr-23
Jim Bradley adds a Menai Mini run - 32:59
Link1193 - 14-Apr-23
Mike Ellicock rows out to 'Turbine Island' from Newhaven - 77km - 09:20
Link1192 - 14-Apr-23
Orlando Navarro adds various islands from Los Lagos, Chile - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1191 - 14-Apr-23
Paul Gallagher sets a PB on the Menai Challenge - Long course: 63:07
Link1190 - 14-Apr-23
Phil Smith adds a lap of Hayling Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1189 - 13-Apr-23
Charles Foster laps Flat Rock and Bit Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1188 - 13-Apr-23
Eurion Brown adds various from the Bristol Channel - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1187 - 13-Apr-23
Steven Whipp adds various from Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1186 - 13-Apr-23
Tim Haines adds loads from the Summer Isles - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1185 - 11-Apr-23
John Willacy completes a lap of Anglesey - 12:39:37
Link1184 - 11-Apr-23
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a Menai Mini run - 30:37
Link1183 - 05-Apr-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones completes the Menai Mini TT - 35:11
Link1182 - 05-Apr-23
Michael O'Farrell adds a lap of Lambay and High Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1181 - 05-Apr-23
Paul Gallagher sets the first time for 2023 on the Menai Challenge - Long course: 67:32
Link1180 - 05-Apr-23
Paul Gallagher tops the Menai Mini TT page - 26:42
Link1179 - 04-Apr-23
Menai Challenge 2023 pages updated
Link1178 - 04-Apr-23
New Menai Mini TT added -
Link1177 - 31-Mar-23
Charles Foster adds Flat Rock and Bit Rock laps - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1176 - 31-Mar-23
Joe Rogan adds various from Strangford Lough - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1175 - 31-Mar-23
Steven Whipp laps the islands of Lake Coniston - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1174 - 23-Mar-23
Charles Foster adds 2x laps Naples Islands and 3x Treasure Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1173 - 23-Mar-23
Dave Cutts adds Tudwal E and Ynys Y Fydlan- 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1172 - 23-Mar-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones adds Puffin island and various from The Swellies - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1171 - 23-Mar-23
Jesse Debez laps the Isle of Elba - details to follow
Link1170 - 23-Mar-23
John Willacy adds a 1hr run of The Distance Challenge - 16.95km
Link1169 - 23-Mar-23
Sue Couling laps Walney Island - 04:12:50
Link1168 - 07-Mar-23
Darren Snow laps our first island from Columbia - Isla Tierra Bomba - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1167 - 07-Mar-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones adds 'The Tudwals' and various from The Swellies - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1166 - 07-Mar-23
Eurion Brown laps Caldey and St Catherine's - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1165 - 07-Mar-23
Neil Turnbull adds various from the Forth Estuary - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1164 - 02-Mar-23
Eurion Brown adds a lap of Tusker Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1163 - 02-Mar-23
Jeff Allen announces a GB Circumnav attempt
Link1162 - 02-Mar-23
Jon Needham laps Portsea Island - 02:38:00
Link1161 - 02-Mar-23
Neal Ricketts adds the Trescore Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1160 - 02-Mar-23
Nick Goodall joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Swellies various
Link1159 - 02-Mar-23
Rich Hughes adds various from SUP paddling in Jersey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1158 - 02-Mar-23
Sue Couling adds various from Greece and Scotland - 2022 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1157 - 17-Feb-23
Charles Foster adds a few laps of Bit Rock and Flat Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1156 - 17-Feb-23
Charles Foster adds a few laps of Treasure Island and Naples Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1155 - 17-Feb-23
Diwlyn Powell-Jones adds various from Llanddwyn Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1154 - 17-Feb-23
Eurion Brown adds Sully Island and the caisson at Aberthaw Power Station - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1153 - 17-Feb-23
Jon Needham laps Portsea Island - 02:40:59
Link1152 - 17-Feb-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds a Skeam East and Two Women's Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1151 - 07-Feb-23
Charles Foster adds Flat Rock, California - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1150 - 07-Feb-23
Dilwyn Powell-Jones joins the challenge with various from the Menai Strait - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1149 - 07-Feb-23
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add Ynys Dulas - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1148 - 07-Feb-23
Michal Madera adds Thatcher Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1147 - 07-Feb-23
Phil Smith adds 10x laps of Brownsea - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1146 - 07-Feb-23
Rich Hughes SUPS around a few in The Swellies - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1145 - 07-Feb-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds a lap of Castle Island, Lough Hyne - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1144 - 01-Feb-23
Charles Foster adds various from Newport Bay and Long Beach - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1143 - 01-Feb-23
Jon Needham adds Portsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1142 - 01-Feb-23
Kevin Marshall adds further laps of St Aubin's Fort, Channel Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1141 - 01-Feb-23
Michael O'Farrell adds Rockablill and various - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1140 - 01-Feb-23
Phil Smith laps Portsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1139 - 01-Feb-23
Scott Bekker adds Eastern Neck Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1138 - 01-Feb-23
Simon Turnbull adds a couple of laps of South Stack - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1137 - 01-Feb-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds various from Bantry Bay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1136 - 01-Feb-23
Tim Haines adds a lap of Grand Cayman - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1135 - 28-Jan-23
John Willacy completes a lap of Holy Island - 03:28
Link1134 - 26-Jan-23
Jon Needham adds Portsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1133 - 26-Jan-23
Juliette anbd Nick Goodall add an open run of the Llyn Padarn TT - 41:06
Link1132 - 26-Jan-23
Michael O Farrell starts of 2023 with Shenick's,Colt, St Patrick's Islands and Rockabill too - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1131 - 24-Jan-23
Andrew Hartley and Simon Palmer lap Hayling Island - 02:30
Link1130 - 24-Jan-23
Neil Turnbull adds Fidra, Craigleith and The Lamb - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1129 - 23-Jan-23
List of PSK Crossings page added
Link1128 - 20-Jan-23
Charles Foster adds the Astronaut Islands and Terminal Island, Long Beach, California - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1127 - 20-Jan-23
Joel Whittaker adds a 100K Day challenge, from a 2021 day on the River Thames - 162.7 km
Link1126 - 20-Jan-23
Neil turnbull adds a 3hr run of the Distance Challenge - 42.57 km
Link1125 - 10-Jan-23
Dave Cutts adds various from a New Year's Day paddle in The Swellies - 1000 Islands Challenge 2023
Link1124 - 10-Jan-23
Tash Ó Treasaigh adds Bullock and Drishane Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1123 - 28-Dec-22
Minor corrections to paddler points undertaken, to correct typos - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1122 - 28-Dec-22
Phil Smith adds 5x laps of Brownsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1121 - 28-Dec-22
Pil Smith also adds various from Loch Lomond - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1120 - 28-Dec-22
Rhys Hunt adds a lap of Hayling and Brownsea - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1119 - 28-Dec-22
Rhys Hunt and Paul Barrett add a lap of Portsea - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1118 - 19-Dec-22
Glenn Sutcliffe laps Gigha - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1117 - 19-Dec-22
Jon Needham laps Hayling Island - 04:13:24
Link1116 - 18-Dec-22
Phil Smith adds two laps of Portsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1115 - 18-Dec-22
Phil Smith laps Hayling Island - 02:43:02
Link1114 - 17-Dec-22
Paul Barrett and Rhys Hunt add a further lap of the Isle of Wight
Link1113 - 12-Dec-22
Eurion Brown adds another lap of Tusker Rock - 1000 Islands
Link1112 - 12-Dec-22
Paul Barrett and Giles Hudson add the Isle of Noss - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1111 - 12-Dec-22
Paul Barrett and Rhys Hunt circumnavigate Portsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1110 - 01-Dec-22
Andy Ironside and Phil Smith lap Hayling - 03:51
Link1109 - 01-Dec-22
Elizabeth Cannon adds Puffin Island, Ynys Dulas, Ynys Moelfre and East Mouse - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1108 - 01-Dec-22
Elizabeth Cannon sets a new PB for the Osea Island TT - 40:37
Link1107 - 01-Dec-22
Phil Smith and Fred Curtin-Sewell rewrite the scoreboard with numerous - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1106 - 01-Dec-22
Phil Smith lap Hayling - 03:06
Link1105 - 30-Nov-22
Kevin Marshall adds 7x laps of St Aubin's Fort, Channel Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1104 - 30-Nov-22
Kevin Marshall adds a further 16x laps of St Aubin's Fort, Channel Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1103 - 30-Nov-22
Scott Bekker adds 3 islands from the Susquehanna River, Baltimore - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1102 - 30-Nov-22
Time confirmed for Patrick Anderson and Ben Tolhurst North Channel Crossing Aug/22 - 03:57
Link1101 - 16-Oct-22
Kevin Marshall adds 3x laps of Marsh Island, Delaware, U.S.A. - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1100 - 13-Oct-22
Elizabeth Cannon rounds Mersea Island - 02:24:10 - a new PB
Link1099 - 04-Oct-22
2022 Ongoing Performance Year Summary added
Link1098 - 03-Oct-22
Andy Ironside and Fred Curtin-Sewell add various from the Dorset Coast - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1097 - 03-Oct-22
Chris Turner joins the 1000 Islands Challenge, with Portsea, Brownsea, Hayling and more - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1096 - 03-Oct-22
Elizabeth Cannon rounds Mersea Island - 02:30:58 - a new PB
Link1095 - 03-Oct-22
Steve Carter joins the 1000 Islands Challenge, with Short Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1094 - 27-Sep-22
Elizabeth Cannon adds Tanera More and Tanera Beg, Summer Isles - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1093 - 26-Sep-22
Fred Curtin-Sewell adds Old Harry and The Pinnacles - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1092 - 26-Sep-22
Phil Smith and Diana Phillips adds a lap of Hayling Island and various from Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1091 - 21-Sep-22
Fred Curtin-Sewell adds Brownsea, Green and Furzey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1090 - 21-Sep-22
Mike Conroy adds Porth Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1089 - 21-Sep-22
Mike Conroy paddles a return to the Scillies - 05:28:45 and 05:46:15
Link1088 - 21-Sep-22
Neal Ricketts completes the Eddystone Rocks Challenge - 06:02
Link1087 - 21-Sep-22
Tash Ó Treasaigh and Ronan O'Brien lap Fastnet Rock - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1086 - 16-Sep-22
Eurion Brown adds various from Ramsey Sound(ish) - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1085 - 16-Sep-22
James Southern laps Hayling - 02:17:09
Link1084 - 16-Sep-22
Kevin Mansell laps Eilean Mòr - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1083 - 16-Sep-22
Michael O'Farrell adds another lap of Great Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1082 - 16-Sep-22
Michal Madera, Natalie Maderova and Kevin Mansell add Maîtr'Île - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1081 - 16-Sep-22
Mike Conroy also laps the Isle of Wight - 08:10:51
Link1080 - 16-Sep-22
Patrick Anderson and Ben Tolhurst cross the North Channel - details tbc.
Link1079 - 16-Sep-22
Simon Palmer laps the Isle of Wight - a new PB - 08:58:43
Link1078 - 08-Sep-22
Ben Cowans and Peter Miller add various from Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1077 - 08-Sep-22
Elizabeth Cannon laps Bridgemarsh and Osea islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1076 - 08-Sep-22
Janet Taylor and Kevin Mansell add Oronsay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1075 - 08-Sep-22
Michael O'Farrell adds Haulbowline, Rocky and Spike islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1074 - 08-Sep-22
Michael O'Farrell adds Lambay, Colt, St Patricks's and Shenick islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1073 - 08-Sep-22
Mike Conroy adds various padlding from Boscastle - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1072 - 08-Sep-22
Mike Conroy also adds various padlding from Sennen - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1071 - 08-Sep-22
Neal Ricketts adds a further lap of Bolt Head Mew Stone - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1070 - 08-Sep-22
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add Bardsey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1069 - 08-Sep-22
Peter Miller adds a further lap of Hayling - 04:24:19
Link1068 - 08-Sep-22
Peter Miller laps Hayling in 02:54:29 and Portsea in 03:49:36 - same day.
Link1067 - 08-Sep-22
Tash Ó Treasaigh and Ronan O'Brien add a lap of Haulbowline Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1066 - 30-Aug-22
Adrian Evans completes the Eddystone Rocks Challenge - 06:51
Link1065 - 30-Aug-22
Dan Sandham completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 4 days
Link1064 - 30-Aug-22
Dan Sandham rounds Ramsey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1063 - 30-Aug-22
Eurion Brown adds the Crowlin Islands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1062 - 30-Aug-22
Glenn Sutcliffe adds a multi-day lap of the Isle of Arran - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1061 - 30-Aug-22
Jane Parker adds a 1hr Distance Challenge run - 5.99 km
Link1060 - 30-Aug-22
Jane and Jeff Parker add St Tudwals West - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1059 - 30-Aug-22
Keith Dalzell and Nigel Hart make a crossing from Portavogie, N.I. to Peel, Isle of Man - 08:55
Link1058 - 30-Aug-22
Neal Ricketts adds more Mew Stones! - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1057 - 30-Aug-22
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a 1hr Distance Challenge run - 10.01 km
Link1056 - 30-Aug-22
Paul Barrett and Rhys Hunt complete a multi-day lap of the Isle of Wight
Link1055 - 30-Aug-22
Simon Palmer laps the Isle of Wight - 10:25:55
Link1054 - 30-Aug-22
Simon Turnbull rounds Seil and Eilean Dùin - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1053 - 25-Aug-22
Chris Hitchings rounds Hayling Island - 02:56:20
Link1052 - 25-Aug-22
Eurion Brown adds Horse Island and Isle Martin - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1051 - 25-Aug-22
James Gerrie laps Ynys Moelfre and Dulas, also East Mouse - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1050 - 25-Aug-22
Natalie Maderova and Michal Madera add Papa Stour, Gruney and Fetlar (Shetland) - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1049 - 25-Aug-22
Roy Beal completes the Jurassic Coast in 22 hrs 12 mins
Link1048 - 17-Aug-22
Glenn Sutcliffe adds Ulva - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1047 - 17-Aug-22
James Gerrie complets a solo run on the 1hr Distance Challenge - 11.44 km
Link1046 - 17-Aug-22
Jane Parker adds Clover Island, Alaska - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1045 - 17-Aug-22
Jonathan and Mike Conroy add various islands off Padstow - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1044 - 17-Aug-22
Mick O'Meara sets a new best for Great Island - 02:14:23
Link1043 - 17-Aug-22
Mike Conroy rounds Lundy - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1042 - 17-Aug-22
Neal Ricketts adds various islands from Guernsay and S Coast of England - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1041 - 16-Aug-22
Dan Sandham laps the Isle of Wight - 08:53:49
Link1040 - 16-Aug-22
Elizabeth Cannon adds a lap of Osea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1039 - 16-Aug-22
Mike Conroy crosses to Lundy
Link1038 - 16-Aug-22
Russell Meyer rounds Hayling Island - 01:59:33
Link1037 - 16-Aug-22
Tash and Odhran Ó Treasaigh add Dursey Island. Tash adds Fastnet Rock too - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1036 - 14-Aug-22
John Willacy completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 10:04:17
Link1035 - 12-Aug-22
Giles Hudson completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 12:08:50
Link1034 - 03-Aug-22
Ben Cowans adds a lap of Brownsea Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1033 - 03-Aug-22
Elizabeth Cannon adds various from the Farne Islands to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1032 - 03-Aug-22
Elizabeth Cannon rounds Mersea Island - 03:39:39
Link1031 - 03-Aug-22
Elizabeth Cannon rounds Mersea Island - 04:21:32
Link1030 - 03-Aug-22
Eurion Brown adds Stack Rocks, three times - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1029 - 03-Aug-22
Michael O'Farrell adds the Saltee Islands plus various from Lough Ree - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1028 - 03-Aug-22
Paul Barrett and Rhys Hunt lap the Isle of Wight - 11:56:11
Link1027 - 03-Aug-22
Phil Smith adds a further lap of Hayling Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1026 - 28-Jul-22
Jon Needham completes a lap of the IOW - 09:18:09
Link1025 - 28-Jul-22
Mike Conroy adds a run of the Eddystone Rocks Challenge - 04:06:53
Link1024 - 28-Jul-22
Tim Haines completes a crossing from St Bees to Isle of Man - 07:39
Link1023 - 27-Jul-22
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add Gigha to the 1000 Islands
Link1022 - 23-Jul-22
John Willacy completes a lap of Islay - 12:40:36
Link1021 - 18-Jul-22
Chris Hitchings completes a lap of the IOW - 13:52
Link1020 - 18-Jul-22
James Gerrie completes a team lap of Holy Island - 07:10
Link1019 - 18-Jul-22
Jon Needham sets another PB for Portsea Circumnav - 02:17:52
Link1018 - 18-Jul-22
Michael O'Farrell sets a new record for the Great Island Circumnav - 02:31:32
Link1017 - 18-Jul-22
Simon Champ adds a lap of Great Island Circumnav - 02:44:29
Link1016 - 13-Jul-22
Lucy Partington and Juan Cowley complete the Roff of Britain - 26 days
Link1015 - 13-Jul-22
Phil Smith and Fred Curtin-Sewell add various to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1014 - 12-Jul-22
Eurion Brown adds Sully Island, Steep Holm and Flat Holm to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1013 - 12-Jul-22
James Gerrie adds Puffin Island and Walney ISland to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1012 - 12-Jul-22
Jon Needham sets a PB for Portsea Circumnav - 02:22:13
Link1011 - 12-Jul-22
Kris D'Aout completes Merseyside - Coastal Counties Challenge
Link1010 - 12-Jul-22
Michael O'Farrell adds Tuskar Rock, The Muglins and Dalkey Island to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link1009 - 12-Jul-22
Neal Ricketts adds Gull Rock, George the Third, Ladram and Little Picket
Link1008 - 28-Jun-22
Andy Ironside rounds Hayling Island - 03:29:44
Link1007 - 28-Jun-22
Dave Cutts and Kathy Webb add Carreg yr Honwy and Maen Mellt
Link1006 - 28-Jun-22
Jon Needham rounds Portsea Island - 02:43
Link1005 - 28-Jun-22
Michal Madera and Natalie Maderova add various from River Thams and Medway
Link1004 - 28-Jun-22
Neal Ricketts adds Chapel Rock, Severn Estuary
Link1003 - 28-Jun-22
Ralph Baker sets a new standard for the Eddystone Rocks TT - 03:40:30
Link1002 - 21-Jun-22
Fred Curtin-Sewell adds Old Harry
Link1001 - 21-Jun-22
Ian Cooke adds Hartlepool and Durham to the Coastal Counties Challenge
Link1000 - 21-Jun-22
Marcus Redfern rounds Hayling Island - 03;37:45
Link999 - 21-Jun-22
Peter Miller rounds Hayling Island and adds varios from Langstone Harbour
Link998 - 21-Jun-22
Sylvia Knight adds Ilha da Culatra
Link997 - 14-Jun-22
Andy Ironside completes a further lap of Portsea - 03:31:30
Link996 - 14-Jun-22
Giles Hudson and Rhys Hunt lap the Isle of Wight - 07:39:34
Link995 - 14-Jun-22
Ian Cooke completes a 100K Day - 102.93 km
Link994 - 14-Jun-22
Zoe O'Connell and Sylvia Knight add Portugal to the 1000 Islands Challenge with Isla de Martinhal
Sylvia also completes Ilha da Barretta
Link993 - 09-Jun-22
Richard Hughes adds one lap of Ynys Benlas - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link992 - 08-Jun-22
Ben Cowans adds a further lap of Hayling Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link991 - 08-Jun-22
Dan McGonigle circumnavigates Bure: 07:21
Link990 - 08-Jun-22
Mike Conroy adds a lap of Lundy Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link989 - 01-Jun-22
Eddie Murray laps Great Island - 03:39:37
Link988 - 01-Jun-22
Neal Ricketts joins the 2022 - 1000 Islands Challenge with a lap of The Island
Link987 - 30-May-22
Ciaran Usher laps Great Island - 03:42:44
Link986 - 29-May-22
Dave Cutts and Kathy Webb add various from the Slate Isles - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link985 - 29-May-22
Jon Needham completes a further lap of Hayling Island - 02:19
Link984 - 29-May-22
Scott Bekker adds Hart-Miller Island and Pleasure Island in Chesapeake Bay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link983 - 23-May-22
Andy Ironside completes his first solo lap of Hayling Island - 03:22
Link982 - 23-May-22
New Circumnav/TT page launched for Great Island in Cork Harbour
Link981 - 23-May-22
Nigel Warren sets a new PB and new record for the Eddystone Rocks TT
Link980 - 19-May-22
Daniel Shimmin and George Shaw paddle from the IOM to the Walney Extension Wind FArm - 65 km - 08:57
Link979 - 18-May-22
Elizabeth Cannon sets a PB on the Osea Island TT
Link978 - 18-May-22
Pen Goodber completes a circumnav of Wales - 1101 days
Link977 - 17-May-22
Chris Buckton completes a 3hr leg of the Distance Challenge - 24.1 km
Link976 - 17-May-22
Dave Cutts and Kathy Webb add The Stacks and Dave adds Middle Mouse to the 1000 Islands
Link975 - 17-May-22
Henning de Haas adds Møgelø and Illumø to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link974 - 17-May-22
Jon Needham sets another PB with a lap of Hayling Island - 02:14
Link973 - 17-May-22
Michael O'Farrell adds Great Island + various to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link972 - 17-May-22
Pablo Ramita de Avellano adds a 1hr Distance Challenge from Chile - 14.4 km
Link971 - 17-May-22
Pablo Ramita de Avellano joins the Distance Challenge with a 1hr leg - 9.46 km
Link970 - 17-May-22
Simon Champ adds another Great Island to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link969 - 17-May-22
Simon Champ also adds Great Island to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link968 - 06-May-22
Ben Cowans adds a lap of Hayling Island
Link967 - 06-May-22
Ben Cowans adds a lap of Hayling Island
Link966 - 06-May-22
Ben Cowans and Phil Smith circumnav the IOW - 11:54:39
Link965 - 06-May-22
Dave Cutts completes a run of the Menai Challenge - Challenge Course - 54:36 - a new PB
Link964 - 06-May-22
Pable Ramita de Avellano adds various islands from Chile to 1000 Islands
Link963 - 06-May-22
Peter Miller and Andy Ironside add a lap of Portsea Island
Link962 - 05-May-22
Mike Conroy completes an Anglesey Circumnav - 18:53:21
Link961 - 04-May-22
Charles Daly adds Garnish to 1000 Islands
Link960 - 04-May-22
Charles Daly adds a 3 hr run to the Distance Challenge - 22.4km
Link959 - 04-May-22
Dave Cutts completes a run of the Menai Challenge - 73:04
Link958 - 04-May-22
Eurion Brown adds Ramsey + various to 1000 Islands
Link957 - 04-May-22
Glenn Sutcliffe completes a lap of Walney Island - 03:48:26
Link956 - 04-May-22
Jon Needham sets another PB with a lap of Hayling Island - 02:15
Link955 - 30-Apr-22
John Willacy completes a lap of Walney Island - 02:50:32
Link954 - 30-Apr-22
Pascale Eichenmuller completes a lap of Walney Island - 03:21:23
Link953 - 26-Apr-22
Ben Cowans, Fred Curtin-Sewell and Phil Smith complete a lap of Portsea and Hayling Islands
Peter Miller joins them for Hayling
Link952 - 26-Apr-22
Charles Daly adds a run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 9.11km
Link951 - 26-Apr-22
Mike Conroy also completes the 100K Day Challenge - 1000.07 km
Link950 - 26-Apr-22
Mike Conroy completes another paddle to the Eddystone Lighthouse
Link949 - 26-Apr-22
Paul Barrett and Rhys Hunt lap Hayling and Brownsea, and paddle between the two over 2 days
Counties Challenge
Link948 - 21-Apr-22
Elizabeth Cannon completes a nother lap of Mersea Island
Link947 - 21-Apr-22
Jon Needham set a PB with a lap of Hayling Island - 02:17
Link946 - 19-Apr-22
Chris Wade completes a circumnav of Walney Island - 03:23:38
Link945 - 19-Apr-22
Dave Phillips and Jon Needham complete a circumnav of IOW - 02:23:14
Link944 - 19-Apr-22
Henning de Haas brings Denmark to the 1000 Islands Challenge with Hjarnø.
Link943 - 19-Apr-22
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add Isola Piana and Isola Foradada to 1000 Islands Challenge
Link942 - 19-Apr-22
Phil Smith and Fred Curtin-Sewell complete a circumnav of IOW - 10:25:38
Link941 - 19-Apr-22
Rhys Hunt and Paul Barrett paddle a lap of the Isle of Sheppey
Link940 - 19-Apr-22
Simon Turnbull joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with both Tudwal islands.
Link939 - 14-Apr-22
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add Conwy county to the Coastal Counties Challenge
Link938 - 14-Apr-22
Simon Champ joins the 1000 Islands with Great Island.
Link937 - 05-Apr-22
Eurion Brown adds a lap of Flat Holm and one of Sully Island to the 1000 Islands
Link936 - 05-Apr-22
Jon Needham completes a lap of Hayling Island - 02:24
Link935 - 05-Apr-22
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add a lap of Isola Rossa to the 1000 Islands
Link934 - 02-Apr-22
James Gerrie joins the PSK Distance Challenge with a 5hr leg - 39.4 km
Link933 - 01-Apr-22
Glenn Sutcliffe adds a lap of Bute to the 1000 Islands.
Link932 - 29-Mar-22
John Willacy completes his 11th circumnav of Anglesey
Link931 - 29-Mar-22
Michael O'Farrell adds Colt, Shenick, St.Patricks islands and also Rockabill to the 1000 Islands.
Link930 - 22-Mar-22
Elizabeth Cannon adds a lap of Mersea Island.
Link929 - 22-Mar-22
Fred Curtin-Sewell adds a lap of Hayling Island.
Link928 - 22-Mar-22
Ian Cooke adds Flintshire and Denbighshire to the Counties Challenge.
Link927 - 22-Mar-22
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add Gwynedd to the Counties Challenge.
Link926 - 22-Mar-22
Steve King joins the 2022 Islands Challenge with Breinton Island.
Link925 - 20-Mar-22
Elizabeth Cannon adds Horsey island to the 1000 Islands 2022
Link924 - 20-Mar-22
Llyn Padarn TT - Final Race of 21/22 results added
Link923 - 14-Mar-22
Elizabeth Cannon adds Ray Island to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link922 - 14-Mar-22
Kris D'Aout adds a 1hr run to the Distance Challenge - 14.1 km
Link921 - 14-Mar-22
Orlando Navarro adds Isla Huelmo and a return to Isla Tautil - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link920 - 06-Mar-22
Glenn Sutcliffe completes a circ of Rona
Link919 - 02-Mar-22
Glenn Sutcliffe completes a circ of Raasay
Link918 - 01-Mar-22
Llyn Padarn Race 6 times are up
Link917 - 01-Mar-22
Pablo Ramita de Avellano adds two more to the 1000 Islands
Link916 - 17-Feb-22
John Willacy adds a run to the Menai Challenge 2022 - 62:13
Link915 - 17-Feb-22
Orlando Navarro joins the 2022 Islands Challenge - with Isla Tenglo and Isla Maillen.
Link914 - 13-Feb-22
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add various from The Swellies.
Link913 - 13-Feb-22
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a 1hr Distance Challenge run - 9.96 km
Link912 - 12-Feb-22
John Willacy completes the M6 Challenge - 07:41
Link911 - 31-Jan-22
Catch-up with islands added to 1000 Islands Challenge 2021 for Catriona Woods
Link910 - 31-Jan-22
Charles Daly joins the 1000 Islands Challeng, with Lousy Castle Island.
Link909 - 30-Jan-22
Glyn Brackenbury complets a return crossing to Lundy - 02:13
Link908 - 30-Jan-22
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add Rhoscolyn Beacon to the 1000 Islands
Link907 - 30-Jan-22
Richard Hughes returns us to the Black Rock Dash - 50:42
Link906 - 25-Jan-22
1000 Islands 2022 - Brendan Reese adds various from Poole Harbour.
Link905 - 25-Jan-22
Brendan Reese is the first to go onto the Coastal Counties Challenge Leaderboard - Hampshire done!
Link904 - 25-Jan-22
Michael O'Farrell adds Spike and Lambay Islands to the 1000 Islands
Link903 - 25-Jan-22
Mike Conroy sets a new record for the Eddystone Rocks Challenge - 04:49:06
Link902 - 25-Jan-22
Paul Barrett and Rhys Hunt round the Isle of Wight
Link901 - 25-Jan-22
Phil Smith and Fred Curtin-Sewell add various to the 1000 Islands
Link900 - 20-Jan-22
John Niven adds a 2019 lap of Bute - 07:53
Link899 - 18-Jan-22
Test figures added to the Coastal Counties Challenge
Link898 - 17-Jan-22
1000 Islands 2022 - Brendan Reese goes to the top of the table with a Hayling Island lap.
Link897 - 16-Jan-22
The new Coastal Counties Challenge goes live!
Link896 - 14-Jan-22
Detlev Deninger leads the 1000 Islands Challenge 2022
Link895 - 13-Jan-22
Orlando Navarro adds a PB to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 8.65 km
Link894 - 13-Jan-22
The revamped 1000 Islands Challenge 2022 is now live!
Link893 - 28-Dec-21
PSK End Of Year Summary 2021 added
Link892 - 24-Dec-21
Eurion Brown adds Tusker Rock - 1000 Islands
Link891 - 21-Dec-21
Elizabeth Cannon adds a further lap of Mersea Island - 1000 Islands
Link890 - 13-Dec-21
Orlando Navarro adds a further lap of Isla Tenglo - 1000 Islands
Link889 - 30-Nov-21
Fred Curtin-Sewell adds various from Start Point and Dartmouth - 1000 Islands
Link888 - 30-Nov-21
Orlando Navarro adds Isla Puluqui, Isla Queullin and Isla Nao - 1000 Islands
Link887 - 29-Nov-21
100K Day figures have been reviewsed and adjusted slightly - no change to the order
Link886 - 24-Nov-21
Llyn Padarn TT - Race 3 results up
Link885 - 19-Nov-21
Brendan Reese adds 2x laps of Portsea - 02:22 and 01:58 - a new record
Link884 - 19-Nov-21
Eurion Brown adds Flat Holm and Steep Holm to the islands challenge once again
Link883 - 19-Nov-21
Fred Curtin Sewell and Phil Smith round Hayling Island - 02:30
Link882 - 19-Nov-21
Neal Ricketts adds Netton and Ivy Island - 1000 Islands
Link881 - 19-Nov-21
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy lap the Isle of Bute - 06:46
Link880 - 19-Nov-21
Shane Young adds a run to the 100k Day - 151.6km
Link879 - 09-Nov-21
Elizabeth Cannon adds two further laps of Osea Island - 1000 Islands
Link878 - 09-Nov-21
Orlando Navarro adds Isla San Pedro, Chile - 1000 Islands
Link877 - 09-Nov-21
Shane Young completes the River Shannon Descent - 41:19
Link876 - 05-Nov-21
James Doherty completes another IOW Circ - 08:56
Link875 - 27-Oct-21
Jack Victor Gatacre and Patrick Dillon paddle the Wales Coastline - 15 days
Link874 - 27-Oct-21
James Pigdon adds Peel Island, Coniston - 1000 Islands
Link873 - 26-Oct-21
Elizabeth Cannon goes sub-3hr for the Mersea Island lap
Link872 - 26-Oct-21
Richard Astridge adds Yeronissos, Cyprus - 1000 Islands
Link871 - 19-Oct-21
Ben Cowans, Phil Smith and Fred Curtin-Sewell add Hayling Island - 1000 Islands
Link870 - 19-Oct-21
Elizabeth Cannon, Estelle Kemp and Barry Iszard lap the Isle of Sheppey
Link869 - 19-Oct-21
Neal Ricketts adds George The Third Rock - 1000 Islands
Link868 - 17-Oct-21
Neal Ricketts adds various near Boscastle to take him over the 100 - 1000 Islands
Link867 - 13-Oct-21
Elizabeth Cannon adds two laps of Mersea Island - 1000 Islands
Link866 - 13-Oct-21
Ian Cooke adds a SUP run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 9.9 km
Link865 - 13-Oct-21
Marc Bunyard joins the 1hr Distance Challenge with a 7.8 km run
Link864 - 11-Oct-21
John Willacy sets a new record for the IOW Circ - 07:02
Link863 - 10-Oct-21
Giles Hudson laps the Isle of Wight - 07:50
Link862 - 10-Oct-21
Rhys Hunt also laps the Isle of Wight - 07:20:57
Link861 - 04-Oct-21
Orlando Navarro adds Ilsa del Rey and Isla Sofia, from Chile - 1000 Islands
Link860 - 29-Sep-21
Elizabeth Cannon undertakes a little Island -bagging in Scotland - Kerrera, Luing, Lunga, Seil and Insh Island - 1000 Islands
Link859 - 23-Sep-21
Edward Doherty adds his first run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 4.7 km
Link858 - 23-Sep-21
Edward and James Doherty circumnavigate Anglesey - 17:09
Link857 - 23-Sep-21
Llyn Padarn TT Race 1 - results up
Link856 - 21-Sep-21
Isaac Pipe/Al Pipe add a Menai Challenge record of 47:35 for the Legacy
Link855 - 21-Sep-21
Richard Astridge completes a circumnav of Jura - 4 days
Link854 - 20-Sep-21
Ian Cooke adds a 25.1 km to the 3 hr Distance Challenge
Link853 - 16-Sep-21
Brendan Reese rounds Long, Furzey, Brownsea and Green Island in Poole Harbour - 1000 Islands
Link852 - 16-Sep-21
Brendan Reese sets a new record for Hayling Island Circ - 01:57
Link851 - 16-Sep-21
Mike Conroy joins PSK with a run of the Eddystone Rocks Challenge
Link850 - 15-Sep-21
James Pigdon + Tavi Murray round Ramsey - 1000 Islands
Link849 - 15-Sep-21
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickkinson complete The Skerries - Anglesey Masters
Link848 - 15-Sep-21
Michal Madera + Natalie Maderova round Hoo Ness - 1000 Islands
Link847 - 15-Sep-21
Neal Ricketts adds various between Prawle Point and Start Point
Link846 - 12-Sep-21
John Willacy rounds Hayling Island - 02:00:56
Link845 - 08-Sep-21
Orlando Navarro adds 3 more from Chile - Isla Mutri, Linguar and Llanchid - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link844 - 08-Sep-21
Paul and Brian Deering cross the North Channel - 05:05
Link843 - 08-Sep-21
Phil Smith adds a lap of Hayling Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link842 - 08-Sep-21
Phil Smith and Ben Cowans circumnav the Isle of Wight - 20:57
Link841 - 07-Sep-21
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a 37.3 km to the 3 hr Distance Challenge
Link840 - 05-Sep-21
Dave Cutts adds a run to the Menai Challenge - Short Course 60:11
Link839 - 05-Sep-21
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson complete The Beacon - Anglesey Masters
Link838 - 05-Sep-21
Michal Madera + Natalie Maderova round Ramsey - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link837 - 01-Sep-21
Alison Wall, Andrew Samsun and Zoe Samsun-Wall join the 1000 Islands with Handa and Oldany
Link836 - 01-Sep-21
Neal Ricketts adds various by Salcombe - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link835 - 30-Aug-21
Dave Cutts adds 3 Mice to the Anglesey Masters
Link834 - 29-Aug-21
Elizabeth Cannon laps Mersea Island once again- 1000 Islands
Link833 - 29-Aug-21
Fred Curtin-Sewell adds 2 laps of Hayling Island - 02:47
Link832 - 29-Aug-21
Joe Leach crosses to the St Mary's, Isles of Scilly
Link831 - 29-Aug-21
Minch Crossing added from July 1875 - John Fergusson, Charles King and Wilfred Smith
Link830 - 29-Aug-21
Neal Ricketts continues to find more 'Mew Stones' - 1000 Islands
Link829 - 29-Aug-21
Norbert Ziober crosses to St Kilda - 10:13
Link828 - 29-Aug-21
Pascale Eichenmuller sets a PB for the llyn Padarn TT - 27:53
John Willacy also sets a PB for the Llyn P TT - 25:06
Link827 - 29-Aug-21
Zeke Wilson adds Skerries and Castle Island - 1000 Islands
Link826 - 22-Aug-21
Elizabeth Cannon rounds Mersea Island - 1000 Islands
Neal Ricketts rounds Eastern Black Rocks
Link825 - 22-Aug-21
Gary Hallbaerg joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Coquet Island
Link824 - 22-Aug-21
Ian Cooke adds Whitton Island, River Humber - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link823 - 22-Aug-21
New Time Trial added - Osea Island
Link822 - 20-Aug-21
Petr Major circumnavs the IOW - 10:58:58
Link821 - 19-Aug-21
Paddler Search added to Performance and Multi-Day pages
Link820 - 17-Aug-21
Simon Waller and Phil Smith circumnav the IOW
Link819 - 17-Aug-21
Zeke Wilson joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Island Dhu, Portrush
Link818 - 11-Aug-21
Performance and Multi-Day pages updated
Link817 - 09-Aug-21
Dave Cutts adds 62 laps of Ynys Welltog
Link816 - 09-Aug-21
Elizabeth Cannon adds a further lap of Osea Island - 1000 Islands
Link815 - 09-Aug-21
Ian Cooke adds Kererra, Lismore and Shuna Island -1000 Islands Challenge
Link814 - 09-Aug-21
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson lap the Isle of Arran - 13:39:14
Link813 - 09-Aug-21
Orlando Navarro adds another lap of Isla Maillen to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link812 - 09-Aug-21
Pablo Ramita de Avellano adds Isla Teja from Valdivia, Chile
Link811 - 05-Aug-21
Michael O'Farrell adds various off the Galway Coast
Link810 - 05-Aug-21
Natalie Maderova and Michal Madera add 2 laps of Ramsey Island
Link809 - 05-Aug-21
Poppy Cooke and Alex Miles join the 1000 Islands Challenge with St Tudwals E and W
Link808 - 05-Aug-21
Tavi Murray adds a lap of Anglesey to the 1000 Islands
Link807 - 04-Aug-21
Neal Ricketts adds 30+ various from the Isles of Scilly - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link806 - 04-Aug-21
Orlando Navarro adds a couple more from Chile - Isla Chinquio and Isla Caicura - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link805 - 04-Aug-21
Pablo Ramita de Avellano joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Isla Quiriquina, Chile
Link804 - 04-Aug-21
Tavi Murray and James Pigdon lap Flat Holm and Steep Holm
Link803 - 22-Jul-21
Elizabeth Cannon adds a further lap of Mersea Island - 1000 Islands
Link802 - 22-Jul-21
John Willacy completes a CW lap of Holy Island - 03:18
Link801 - 22-Jul-21
Orlando Navarro joins the Distance Challenge - 1hr - 7.96km
Link800 - 22-Jul-21
Richard Griffiths Hughes laps Holy Island - 03:53
Link799 - 22-Jul-21
Roy Beal completes John o'Groats to Land's End - 56 days
Link798 - 22-Jul-21
Steven Whipp improves his 1hr Distance Challenge - 10.94km
Link797 - 20-Jul-21
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson lap Bardsey Island, Ynys Fawr and Ynys Bâch - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link796 - 20-Jul-21
Neal Ricketts adds various from Watergate Bay - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link795 - 20-Jul-21
Nigel Warren adds a lap of the Isle of Wight - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link794 - 20-Jul-21
Orlando Navarro adds Isla Caucahué from Chile - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link793 - 20-Jul-21
Scott Bekker joins the 1000 Islands Challenge from Pennsylvania, our first U.S. 1000 islander
Link792 - 18-Jul-21
Elliot Goddard completes a circumnav of Anglesey - 12:46:53
Link791 - 16-Jul-21
John Willacy laps Holy Island - 03:03
Link790 - 16-Jul-21
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a run of the Menai Challenge - 61:13
Link789 - 13-Jul-21
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson complete a lap of Holy Island
Link788 - 13-Jul-21
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add Canna and Eigg - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link787 - 13-Jul-21
Neal Ricketts adds Saddle Rock and Mill Stones - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link786 - 13-Jul-21
Nigel Warren adds 16x laps of Drake's Island - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link785 - 13-Jul-21
Steven Whipp improves his 5 hr Distance Challenge - 43.6 km on the Norfolk Broads
Link784 - 09-Jul-21
Elizabeth Cannon adds Horsey Island to the 1000 Islands
Link783 - 09-Jul-21
Legacy Trip added - Neil Davies completes the Wales Coastline by SOT - 2019
Link782 - 09-Jul-21
Orlando Navarro adds Isla Quenu and Isla Chidguapi to the 1000 Islands
Link781 - 03-Jul-21
Graham Bell completes a circumnav of the Isle of Bute - 06:59
Link780 - 03-Jul-21
Michael O'Farrell adds Duck Island and Inishbarra to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link779 - 03-Jul-21
Tavi Murray adds Worm's Head to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link778 - 29-Jun-21
Catriona Woods adds various silands from Lough Erne - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link777 - 27-Jun-21
Kristiaan D’Août joins the Distance Challenge with a 57 km - 5hr run
Link776 - 27-Jun-21
Orlando Navarro adds Isla Tautil and Isla Chauliin to the 1000 Islands
Link775 - 27-Jun-21
Stuart Marshall paddles the Scottish Coastline - 45 days
Link774 - 25-Jun-21
Clare Sharp adds a sub-28:00 time to the Llyn P TT
Link773 - 23-Jun-21
Ed Loffill circumnavs the Isle of Skye - 5 days (~99 hrs)
Link772 - 23-Jun-21
Frank Harradence adds Scolt Head Island to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link771 - 23-Jun-21
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson lap The Skerries for the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link770 - 23-Jun-21
John Willacy circumnavs the Isle of Skye 54:22 (3 days)
Link769 - 23-Jun-21
Neal Ricketts adds Godrevy Island plus various - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link768 - 23-Jun-21
Orlando Navarro adds the Chilean islands Isla Maillen and Isla Capera to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link767 - 23-Jun-21
Rhys Hunt, Paul Barrett and Steve Bickerton circumnav the Isle of Skye - 6 days
Link766 - 23-Jun-21
Simon Augustin adds a 1 hr run to the Distance Challenge
Link765 - 16-Jun-21
Orlando Navarro joins the 1000 Islands with Isla Tenglo, Puerto Montt, Chile
Link764 - 15-Jun-21
Catriona Woods adds various islands from Lough Erne
Link763 - 15-Jun-21
Tavi Murray laps Caldey, St Margaret's and St Catherine's Islands
Link762 - 13-Jun-21
John Willacy adds a 3hr run of Loch Ness to the Distance Challenge
Link761 - 12-Jun-21
Catriona Woods adds Rathline Island + The Copelands - 1000 Islands Challenge
Link760 - 12-Jun-21
Elizabeth Cannon joins the 1000 Islands with Mersea Island
Link759 - 12-Jun-21
Glyn Brackenbury completes his Wales Circ in 12 days
Link758 - 12-Jun-21
Michael O'Farrell adds Great Island + 3
Link757 - 12-Jun-21
Neal Ricketts adds a dozen to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link756 - 12-Jun-21
Tavi Murray add James Pigdon add various Pembrokeshire bits 'n' pieces to the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link755 - 31-May-21
Catriona Woods adds 50+ islands
Link754 - 31-May-21
Michael O'Farrell adds Dalkey Island
Link753 - 31-May-21
Tavi Murray and James Pigdon add Ynys Meicel and Onnen
Link752 - 28-May-21
Michal Madera laps the IOW twice in 24 hours.
Link751 - 27-May-21
Neal Ricketts laps Beggar's Island
Link750 - 26-May-21
Tavi Murray bags 160 pts with various Hebridean islands
Link749 - 25-May-21
Detlev Deninger also adds 12 laps of Stora Rösö
Link748 - 25-May-21
Detlev Deninger improves his 1hr Distance Challenge
with 24 laps of Stora Rösö
Link747 - 25-May-21
Johan Wagner, Stefan Lidman and Cyrille Ellmark complete the 100k Day Challenge
with 24 laps of Stora Rösö
Link746 - 24-May-21
New times on the Puffin Loop TT
Link745 - 24-May-21
Sylvia Knight and Zoe O'Connell add Northey Island and Osea Island
Link744 - 23-May-21
A legacy 2007 St George's Channel Crossing added - Ben Rudder and TB
Link743 - 22-May-21
Alexandra Lanes joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Bridgemarsh Island
Link742 - 22-May-21
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds 11 laps in the Swellies
Link741 - 19-May-21
John Willacy adds 100 laps of Ynys Gorad Goch
Link740 - 18-May-21
Catriona Woods adds a futher 12 islands
Link739 - 16-May-21
Zoe O'Connell and Sylvia Knight join the 1000 Islands Challenge and add Bridgemarsh Island to the table too
Link738 - 15-May-21
Chris Thorne adds a run to the Swellies SUP Challenge - 42:15
Link737 - 15-May-21
Will Stevenson completes a further 11 islands in Strangford Lough
Link736 - 13-May-21
Caroline Dawson completes the first run of the new Swellies SUP Challenge
Link735 - 13-May-21
Michael O'Farrel adds Ireland's Eye
Link734 - 13-May-21
Nigel Warren adds Eastern Black Rocks and Mew Stone
Link733 - 11-May-21
Natalie Maderova and Michal Madera lap Canvey Island
Link732 - 10-May-21
Neal Ricketts adds Burgh Island
Link731 - 08-May-21
Catriona Woods adds Inishtrahull, Ireland's most northerly island(?)
Link730 - 08-May-21
Catriona Woods adds further islands from Strangford Lough
Link729 - 07-May-21
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy round Holy Island - 03:50
Link728 - 06-May-21
Nigel Warren adds Beggar's Island
Link727 - 04-May-21
Clare Sharp repeats Ynys Dulas
Link726 - 04-May-21
Nigel Warren and Neal Ricketts add Tintagel Head
Link725 - 01-May-21
Neil Lutas added to the IOW Circ, team run with Rhys Hunt
Link724 - 30-Apr-21
James Doherty joins the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link723 - 30-Apr-21
James Doherty joins the 100k Day table
Link722 - 30-Apr-21
James Doherty laps the IOW 09:02
Link721 - 30-Apr-21
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy set a new Team record for Walney Circumnav - 03:09
Link720 - 27-Apr-21
Rhys Hunt rounds the IOW once again - 07:31
Link719 - 27-Apr-21
Will Stevenson adds 3 more islands from Strangford Lough
Link718 - 26-Apr-21
John Willacy improves on the Walney Island circ record - 02:51:56
Link717 - 24-Apr-21
Kate Duffus Skye circ also top the 1000 Islands table
Link716 - 24-Apr-21
Kate Duffus circumnavigates Skye - 63:37 - new record!
Link715 - 22-Apr-21
Catriona Woods adds 15 islands from Strangford Lough
Link714 - 22-Apr-21
Ian Cooke completes the 100K Day challenge
Link713 - 21-Apr-21
Glyn Brackenbury completes a Lundy crosing - 02:07
Link712 - 21-Apr-21
Kate Duffus adds Fladaigh Cuain
Link711 - 21-Apr-21
Nigel Warren adds another run to the Eddystone Rocks Challenge
Link710 - 18-Apr-21
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson complete the Anglesey Masters - 3 Mice
Link709 - 18-Apr-21
Tavi Murray and James Pigdon add komer and Midland Isle
Link708 - 17-Apr-21
Eurion Brown adds Ramsey and others too the 1000 Islands
Link707 - 15-Apr-21
Michael O'Farrell joins the 1000 Islands with Rockabill, Lambay, Shenick, Colt and St Patrick's islands
Link706 - 15-Apr-21
Mike Martin adds Rum to the 1000 Islands
Link705 - 14-Apr-21
Clare Sharp laps Llanddwyn Island.
Link704 - 14-Apr-21
Kate Bent joins the 1000 Islands, with Caldey and St Margaret's
Link703 - 14-Apr-21
Pat Rodgers breaks the 300 pts barrier
Link702 - 13-Apr-21
Steve Miles, Dave Cutts, Tavi Murray, Eurion Brown, Jenny Wong, Pat Rodgers, William Stevenson, Rich Griffiths Hughes, James Pigdon, Bryan Dickinson and Nigel Warren add various islands!
Link701 - 09-Apr-21
Catriona Woods adds 15 isles to the 1000 Islands
Link700 - 09-Apr-21
Rhys Hunt and Neil Lutas circumnav the Isle of Wight
This gives Neil his first 1000 Islands points too
Link699 - 08-Apr-21
Mike Martin adds Muck to the 1000 Islands
Link698 - 08-Apr-21
Neal Ricketts adds Hackney Marshes
Link697 - 08-Apr-21
Pat Rodgers adds more to the Islands Challenge
Link696 - 07-Apr-21
Neal Ricketts joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Drake's Island
Link695 - 06-Apr-21
Mark Tait joins the 1000 Islands Challenge from Perth, Australia
Link694 - 06-Apr-21
Steve Miles adds various Swellies islands
Link693 - 05-Apr-21
Dave Cutts and Kathy Webb add The Skerries
Dave also completes West Mouse
Link692 - 05-Apr-21
Steve Miles adds Middle Mouse
Link691 - 05-Apr-21
Tavi Murray adds Burry Holms
Link690 - 04-Apr-21
Bryan Dickinson and Jenny Wong add the Tudwals.
Link689 - 04-Apr-21
Clare Sharp rounds Ynys Dulas and Ynys Moelfre too
Link688 - 04-Apr-21
Dave Cutts adds East Mouse
Link687 - 04-Apr-21
Kate Duffus adds various Summer Isles
Link686 - 04-Apr-21
Paul Barrett and Rhys Hunt circumnav Portsea Island.
Link685 - 04-Apr-21
Zoe Newsam joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Isle Martin
Link684 - 02-Apr-21
John Willacy completes his 10th Anglesey Circumnav
Link683 - 02-Apr-21
Steve Miles joins the Islands Challenge with various Anglesey islands.
Link682 - 02-Apr-21
Stewart Thorp completes laps of Brownsea and Gigger's Islands for the Islands Challenge
Link681 - 01-Apr-21
Bryan Dickinson adds Llanddwyn Island to the Islands Challenge
Link680 - 01-Apr-21
Michal Madera adds a massive 167 km to the 100k Day Challenge
Link679 - 01-Apr-21
Pat Rodgers adds more to the Islands Challenge
Link678 - 01-Apr-21
Simon Waller circumnavigates Hayling Island - 02:16
Link677 - 30-Mar-21
Rhys Hunt rounds the IOW - 07:31
Link676 - 28-Mar-21
Stewart Thorp joins the 1000 Islands Challenge
Link675 - 27-Mar-21
Tom Mason joins the D=istance Challenge with 3 runs - including a >16 km
Link674 - 26-Mar-21
Dave Cutts also laps various Swellies islands for the 1000 Islands
Link673 - 26-Mar-21
Ian Cooke improves on his 5hr Distance Challenge - 47.23 km
Link672 - 26-Mar-21
Pat Rodgers adds more to the Islands Challenge
Link671 - 24-Mar-21
Clare Sharp adds Rhoscolyn Beacon and Ynys Traws to the 1000 Islands
Link670 - 24-Mar-21
Eurion Brown joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with Sully, Flat Holm and Steep Holm
Link669 - 22-Mar-21
Bryan Dickinson adds various Swellies islands to the 1000 Islands
Link668 - 22-Mar-21
Bryan Dickinson and Jenny Wong add join the 1000 Islands with Puffin Island
Link667 - 22-Mar-21
Dave Cutts completes the Pen2Puffin TT - 02:27:44
Link666 - 19-Mar-21
Clare Sharp joins the 1000 Islands Challenge - Ynys Feirig and Ynys Meibion
Link665 - 19-Mar-21
Detlev Deninger improves on his 1hr Distance Challenge - 7.75 km
Link664 - 19-Mar-21
Kate Duffus increases her 1000 Islands tally
Link663 - 19-Mar-21
Pascale Eichenmuller joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with 7 islands
Link662 - 19-Mar-21
Pat Rodgers adds more to the Islands Challenge
Link661 - 16-Mar-21
Pat Rodgers joins the Islands Challenge
Link660 - 16-Mar-21
Tavi Murray joins the Islands Challenge with The Mumbles
Link659 - 11-Mar-21
Tony Sullivan adds a return to Brownsea
Link658 - 10-Mar-21
Nigel Warren completes a 100K Day - on his Ergo!
Link657 - 08-Mar-21
Bob Perry improves on his Ergo Challenge once again - to go top
Link656 - 07-Mar-21
Ciara Harrington adds another lap of Inishlackan and inishnee to the Islands Challenge
Link655 - 06-Mar-21
Ciara Harrington adds Inishlackan to the Islands Challenge
Link654 - 06-Mar-21
Ciara Harrington returns to Inishnee for the Islands Challenge
Link653 - 06-Mar-21
Jon Needham completes a circumnav of Portsea Island - 02:21
Link652 - 04-Mar-21
Kate Duffus adds Raasay to the Islands Challenge - 50 pts
Link651 - 02-Mar-21
Kate Duffus adds 2 more islands to the Islands Challenge
Link650 - 02-Mar-21
Pascale Eichenmuller joins the Ergo Challenge
Link649 - 01-Mar-21
Alan Hunter also completes 3 more islands laps out of North Berwick
Link648 - 01-Mar-21
Kate Duffus adds 3 more islands to the Islands Challenge
Link647 - 28-Feb-21
Michal Madera completes the 100k Day Challenge also
Link646 - 28-Feb-21
Tony Sullivan adds Gigger's Island to the Islands Challenge
Link645 - 27-Feb-21
Nigel Warren completes the 100k Day Challenge
Link644 - 24-Feb-21
Bob Perry adds another paddle to the Ergo Challenge
Link643 - 24-Feb-21
Rich Griffiths Hughes improves on his 2021 1hr Distance Challenge - 8.6 km
Link642 - 17-Feb-21
Mike Chandler joins the 1000 Islands Challenge with a sneaky lap of Newark Island
Link641 - 13-Feb-21
Nige Warren adds another paddle to the Ergo Challenge
Link640 - 12-Feb-21
Nige Warren adds a paddle to the Ergo Challenge
Link639 - 08-Feb-21
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds a 1hr Distance Challenge - 7.6 km
Link638 - 07-Feb-21
Tony Sullivan adds Round Island and a return to Brownsea
Link637 - 06-Feb-21
The PSK Ergo Challenge added
Link636 - 04-Feb-21
Natalie Maderova and Michal Madera loop Olympic Park, Isle of Dogs and Channelsea Island
Link635 - 01-Feb-21
Tony Sullivan adds Furzey and Green Islands to the Islands Challenge
Link634 - 29-Jan-21
James Doherty improves on his 1hr leg for the Distance Challenge - 10.39 km
Link633 - 25-Jan-21
Kate Duffus adds another run to the Islands Project
Link632 - 25-Jan-21
Tony Sullivan joins the Islands Project, adding Brownsea Island
Link631 - 24-Jan-21
Kate Duffus adds 4 more runs to the Islands Project
Link630 - 24-Jan-21
Kevin O Sullivan adds two more runs to the Islands Project
Link629 - 22-Jan-21
Alan Hunter adds 3 more islands to the Islands Project
Link628 - 22-Jan-21
Legacy News: Kevin O Sullivan completes a solo Ireland Circumnav 2017-2019
Link627 - 21-Jan-21
Update to page and info for Islands Project
Link626 - 17-Jan-21
Rhys Hunt completes a winter circumn of the IOW - 08:30
Link625 - 17-Jan-21
Rhys Hunts doubles up with his IOW lap taking him to the top of the Islands points table
Link624 - 17-Jan-21
Tim Sims joins the Islands Project with a lap of Borough Marsh (St Patrick's Stream)
Link623 - 11-Jan-21
Alan Hunter adds Bass Rock to the Islands Challenge
Link622 - 11-Jan-21
Kevin O Sullivan adds the first Irish Island - St Patrick's Island to the Islands Challenge
Link621 - 11-Jan-21
Natalie Maderova and Michal Madera add the Isle of Dogs to the Islands Challenge
Link620 - 09-Jan-21
Graham Bell adds Great Cumbrae to the Islands Challenge 06/01/21
Link619 - 09-Jan-21
Mike Martin adds Luinga Mhor to the Islands Challenge
Link618 - 08-Jan-21
Michal Madera adds Olympic Park to the Islands Challenge.
Link617 - 08-Jan-21
Michal Madera adds a 1hr Distance Challenge - 9.24 km
Link616 - 06-Jan-21
Kate Duffus adds 2 more islands - Pabay and The Crowlins.
Link615 - 06-Jan-21
Mike Martin adds a further 18 pts to his Islands Challenge with a circumnav of Eilean Shona.
Link614 - 06-Jan-21
Ralph Baker adds a 1hr Distance Challenge - 26-Sep-20 - 14.25 km
Link613 - 05-Jan-21
Mike Martin joins the Islands Challenge - Eigg.
Link612 - 05-Jan-21
Phil Smith and Simon Waller also add their circumnav to the Hayling Island page - 04:00:04
Link611 - 04-Jan-21
Crayston Renner adds his first PSK circumnav (Piel Island) to the Islands Challenge.
Link610 - 04-Jan-21
James Doherty improves on his 1hr Distance Challenge - 9.5 km
Link609 - 04-Jan-21
Phil Smith and Simon Waller add a circumnav of Hayling Island to the Islands Challenge.
Link608 - 03-Jan-21
Michal Madera adds a 1hr Distance Challenge too - 13.4 km
Link607 - 03-Jan-21
Natalie Maderova adds a 1hr Distance Challenge too - 12.1 km
Link606 - 02-Jan-21
Kate Duffus circumnavigates Soay to add the 2nd entry to the Islands Challenge.
Link605 - 02-Jan-21
Natalie Maderova and Michal Madera also complete a circumnav of Two Tree Island
Link604 - 01-Jan-21
Islands Challenge now up and running!
Link603 - 01-Jan-21
Kate Duffus circumnavigates Scalpay to be the first on the Islands Challenge!
Link602 - 28-Dec-20
Michal Madera adds a 1hr Distance Challenge too - 13.81 km
Link601 - 24-Dec-20
Neil Turnbull joins the Distance Challenge with 14.2 km for the 1 hr
Link600 - 19-Dec-20
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy both add Llyn Padarn TT Open times
Link599 - 13-Dec-20
Ian Cooke adds another 1 hr Dist Chall - 13.51 km
Link598 - 13-Dec-20
Pascale Eichenmuller adds another 1 hr Dist Chall too - 9.81 km
Link597 - 10-Dec-20
New islands added to the PSK Islands Challenge!
Link596 - 08-Dec-20
Steve Miles completes the Anglesey Masters Challenge
Link595 - 28-Nov-20
100k Day Challenge added to Distance Challenge
Link594 - 28-Nov-20
New - PSK Islands Challenge launched!
Link593 - 20-Nov-20
Neal Ricketts improves on his 3hr Distance Challenge run - 28.6 km
Link592 - 19-Nov-20
Llyn Padarn TT Race 3 times up
Link591 - 17-Nov-20
** The new PSK Islands Challenge is launched **
Link590 - 15-Nov-20
Ian Cooke completes the 65km M6 Challenge - 07:58
Link589 - 11-Nov-20
Jeff Parker adds another Distance Challenge 1hr - 10.06 km - Lake Windermere
Link588 - 09-Nov-20
Jeff Parker improves on his Distance Challenge 1hr - 14.26km
Link587 - 31-Oct-20
Ian cooke completes a 5hr Distance Challenge - 42km
Link586 - 30-Oct-20
Tom Turcan, Joe Langham, Dave Johnson and Simon Alderdice circumnavigate the Isle of Sheppey - 05:49
Link585 - 28-Oct-20
Anita Suter also adds a 1hr Distance Challenge - 10.65km
Link584 - 28-Oct-20
Anita Suter and Sarah Zurbrügg-Greenaway join the Distance Challenge - 27km - 3hrs
Link583 - 27-Oct-20
Legacy time from Ralph Baker addded for Portsea Circumnav - 01:59
Link582 - 27-Oct-20
Llyn Padarn TT Race 2 results up
Link581 - 27-Oct-20
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a Menai Challenge time - 63:12
Link580 - 21-Oct-20
Nigel Warren improves on his 1hr Distance Challenge - 12.13km
Link579 - 20-Oct-20
Mick O'Meara sets a new record for the Achill Island Circ - 06:06
Link578 - 19-Oct-20
Catriona Woods sets a PB for her Achill Island Circumnav time - 08:33:23
Link577 - 19-Oct-20
Eurion Brown and James Pigdon add a run each to the Distance Challenge 1hr - 15km and 14.6km respectively
Link576 - 19-Oct-20
MattParton also adds a time to the Hayling Island circ - 02:06
Link575 - 18-Oct-20
Elliot Goddard and Aaron White add their first Distance Challenge - 53.5km for the 5 hr
Link574 - 18-Oct-20
Giles Hudson adds a fast time to the Hayling Island circ - 02:01
Link573 - 18-Oct-20
John Willacy completes another Anglesey Circumnav - 11:12 CCW
Link572 - 11-Oct-20
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds a run to the Menai Challenge Legacy 74:57
Link571 - 09-Oct-20
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a season best to the Menai Challenge 53:31
Link570 - 02-Oct-20
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add new times to the Llyn Padarn TT Open - 28:23 and 25:31
Link569 - 29-Sep-20
Tom Turcan adds a new run to the Hayling Island Circumnav - 02:12
Link568 - 25-Sep-20
John Willacy sets a new record for Walney Island Circumnav - 02:53:09
Link567 - 24-Sep-20
Will Stevenson joins the PSK Distance Challenge - 9 km
Link566 - 21-Sep-20
David Horkan adds to the 5 hr Distance Challenge - 53.1 km
Link565 - 21-Sep-20
Giles Hudson and Matt Parton break the IOW Circ Team Record - 08:22:52
Link564 - 21-Sep-20
Ian Cooke sets a new record for Walney Island Circumnav - 03:05:13
Link563 - 21-Sep-20
James Doherty takes a chunk off his IOW Circ - 10:05:39
Link562 - 21-Sep-20
John Willacy adds a run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 18.7 km
Link561 - 16-Sep-20
Llyn Padarn TT 2020 season page added
Link560 - 11-Sep-20
Dave Cutts adds a season best to the Menai Challenge - 65:35
Link559 - 11-Sep-20
David Copp and Giles Hudson complete a Portsea Island circumnav: 02:31
Link558 - 11-Sep-20
Neal Ricketts adds a 19.7 km to the 3 hr Distance Challenge
Link557 - 11-Sep-20
Russel Wingfield adds a 43 km canal paddle to the 5 hr Challenge - 01 Aug
Link556 - 07-Sep-20
Catriona Woods adds a 11.6 km PB to the 1hr Distance Challenge
Link555 - 07-Sep-20
Catriona Woods adds two legacy crossings of the North Channel - 2017 and 2019
Link554 - 07-Sep-20
Clare Sharp adds a Season Best to the Llyn Padarn TT course - 27:57
John Willacy adds a run also - 27:55
Link553 - 07-Sep-20
Giles Hudson completes an IOW Circumnav - 10:08
Link552 - 07-Sep-20
Simon Augustin adds a 12.7 km PB to the 1hr Distance Challenge
Link551 - 04-Sep-20
David Horkan sets a new record for the North Channel Crossing - 03:10
Link550 - 04-Sep-20
Team Crossing of the North Channel - Campbell, Campbell, LLoyd, Lindsay, McClenaghan, McQueen and Montgomery
- 06:30
Link549 - 01-Sep-20
David Horkan adds a 34.5 km to the 3hr Distance Challenge
Link548 - 01-Sep-20
James Doherty doubles up his IOW Circ to add a 5 hr Distance Challenge - 45.2 km
Link547 - 01-Sep-20
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a 26.7 km to the 3hr Distance Challenge
Link546 - 31-Aug-20
James Doherty completes a circumnav of the Isle of Wight - 11:02
Link545 - 27-Aug-20
Steven Whipp moves up the Distance Challenge Table with a 9.7 km for the 1 hr Challenge
Link544 - 26-Aug-20
Ian Cooke also adds a further time to the 1 hr Challenge - 12.4 km
Link543 - 26-Aug-20
Neal Ricketts adds a further time to the 1 hr Challenge - 9.5 km
Link542 - 23-Aug-20
Counter-Clockwise 2018 Anglesey Circumnav from Bryan Dickinson and Jenny Wong added.
Link541 - 21-Aug-20
David Horkan joins the PSK Distance Challenge - 12.92 km
Link540 - 21-Aug-20
Legacy Irish Sea Crossing added - Martin Bell, Adam Waller 1994
Link539 - 20-Aug-20
John Willacy completes an Anglesey Circumnav
Link538 - 16-Aug-20
Ian Cooke completes a circumnav of Bute - 08:03
Link537 - 15-Aug-20
James Wingfield adds a new run to the 1 hr Distance Challenge too - 10.29 km
Link536 - 15-Aug-20
Peter Eichenmuller adds a new run to the 1 hr Distance Challenge - 8.5 km
Link535 - 15-Aug-20
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds a new run to the 1 hr Distance Challenge - 10.2 km
Link534 - 15-Aug-20
Simon Augustin adds a further 2 runs to the 1 hr Distance Challenge - one ski and one kayak
Link533 - 11-Aug-20
Detlev Deninger adds his first 2 runs of the Distance Challenge from Särö in Sweden
Link532 - 11-Aug-20
Frank Harradence sets a PB for the 1 hr challenge
Link531 - 11-Aug-20
Jonny Eldridge and Dan McGonigle cross overnight from Anglesey to Dublin
Link530 - 09-Aug-20
Dave Cutts adds a Menai Challenge run on the original Sea Zoo course
Link529 - 09-Aug-20
James Doherty adds a 3hr Distance Challenge - 22.9 km
Link528 - 09-Aug-20
Neal Ricketts joins the PSK Distance Challenge with a 1hr paddle - 8.2 km
Link527 - 09-Aug-20
Nigel Warren improves his 1hr Distance Challenge - 11.1 km
Link526 - 09-Aug-20
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a MC Challenge run - 54:48
Link525 - 09-Aug-20
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds a Menai Challenge run on the Legacy course - 66:18
Link524 - 09-Aug-20
Rupert Kirkwood adds 2 more runs out to the Eddystone
Link523 - 09-Aug-20
Steven Whipp improves on his 3hr Distance Challenge - 29.1 km
Link522 - 08-Aug-20
Dave Cutts completes a further run of the Menai Chalenge Legacy - 67:30
Link521 - 28-Jul-20
Jonny Eldridge completes the Malltraeth Madness - 01:57
Link520 - 28-Jul-20
Nigel Warren adds a 3 hr leg to the Distance Challenge too - 25.7 km
This takes Nigel into the Combined top-ten.
Link519 - 28-Jul-20
Nigel Warren adds a 5 hr leg to the Distance Challenge - 41.9 km
Link518 - 26-Jul-20
Eurion Brown also adds to each of the PSK Distance Challenge legs
Link517 - 26-Jul-20
Eurion Brown completes his 126 km Bristol Channel Loop
Link516 - 25-Jul-20
Paul Williams joins the Distance Challenge 1 hr - 9.52 km
Link515 - 24-Jul-20
Alan Cole adds another 3hr run to the Distance Challenge - 24.5 km
Link514 - 24-Jul-20
Michal Madera completes and IOW Circ - 08:25
Link513 - 23-Jul-20
Nige Warren heads to the top of the Eddystone Rocks Challenge- 05:27
Link512 - 22-Jul-20
Rich Griffiths Hughes slides into the Distance Challenge Overall Top 5 - 8.4 km for 1hr
Link511 - 19-Jul-20
Dave Cutts adds his first 2020 time to the Menai Challenge: 71:29
Link510 - 19-Jul-20
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds his first SUP time to the Menai Challenge: 78:31
Link509 - 17-Jul-20
Clare Sharp adds a time to the Llyn Padarn Open TT
Link508 - 17-Jul-20
Dave Cutts completes the Ang Masters Stacks Leg - 03:26
Link507 - 17-Jul-20
Nigel Warren joins the 1hr Distance Challenge - 8.8 km
Link506 - 17-Jul-20
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add times to the Llyn Padarn Open TT
Link505 - 11-Jul-20
Al and Isaac Pipe refresh the Menai Challenge with a run each: 53:22 and 55:35 respectively
Link504 - 11-Jul-20
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add times to the Pen2Puffin TT
Link503 - 10-Jul-20
Frank Harradence adds another 1hr Distance Challenge - 8.0 km
Link502 - 09-Jul-20
Alan Cole adds a second 1hr Distance Challenge - 13.1 km
Link501 - 09-Jul-20
Alan Cole adds his first 3hr run to the Distance Challenge - 30.1 km
Link500 - 07-Jul-20
Catriona Woods adds her first run to the 3hr Distance Challenge - 31.1 km
Link499 - 07-Jul-20
Michal Madera joins the 1hr Distance Challenge - 14.4 km
Link498 - 07-Jul-20
Sian Sykes and Aled Wiliams join the 1hr Distance Challenge too - 11.5 km
Link497 - 04-Jul-20
Penny Wingfield adds her first run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 8.6 km
James W also adds a further run -10.2 km
Link496 - 25-Jun-20
Joe Leach adds his first run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 11.7 km
Link495 - 24-Jun-20
Chris Buckton adds his first run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 9.6 km
Link494 - 24-Jun-20
Steven Whipp adds another run to the 1hr Distance Challenge - 10.3 km
Link493 - 23-Jun-20
Ian Cooke ventures into his first 3hr Distance Challenge - 35.8 km
Link492 - 21-Jun-20
Alan Cole adds his first 1hr Distance Challenge - 11.2 km
Link491 - 19-Jun-20
Jane and Jeff Parker (Team Trentham) add a 1hr Distance Challenge - 8.2 km
Link490 - 16-Jun-20
Alan Hunter adds a time to the North Berwick TT - 01:23
Link489 - 14-Jun-20
Jeff Parker joins the Distance Challenge - 11.6km for 1hr
Link488 - 12-Jun-20
Jon Needam circumnavigates the Isle of Wight - 09:51
Link487 - 11-Jun-20
Team Gen X add another time to the Pen2Puffin TT - 03:11
Link486 - 10-Jun-20
Mark Spruce adds a solo lap of Hayling Island - 02:09
Link485 - 09-Jun-20
Ian Tindal adds a further crossing to the Eddystone
Link484 - 08-Jun-20
Ian Cooke adds a 1hr to the PSK Distance Challenge - 11.75 km
Link483 - 07-Jun-20
Ian Tindal adds a crossing to the Eddystone
Link482 - 06-Jun-20
Rupert Kirkwood adds 19 crossings to the Eddystone
Link481 - 01-Jun-20
New page added - Eddystone Rocks!
Link480 - 31-May-20
Jon Needham and Dave Phillips add a 2016 circ of Isle of Wight.
Link479 - 30-May-20
Jon Kneedham and Dave Phillips add a circ of Portsea Island.
Link478 - 27-May-20
Frank Harradence adds his first PSK Distance Challenge run post lockdown
Link477 - 26-May-20
Volker Gärtner improves on his PSK Distance Challenge 3hr leg - 37.7km
Link476 - 25-May-20
James Edward Doherty adds his first run to the PSK Distance Challenge - in a kayak he built himself.
Link475 - 21-May-20
Legacy Crossing of Irish Sea added - Don O Brien, Ciaran Cooke and Sean Cahill - 15 Jul 2013
Link474 - 06-May-20
M6 Challenge updated with legacy times
Link473 - 26-Mar-20
Simon Augustin adds his first run to the 3hr Distance Challenge
Link472 - 26-Mar-20
Simon Augustin now adds his first run to the 5hr Distance Challenge: 59.9km
Link471 - 22-Mar-20
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds his first SUP run to the PSK Distance Challenge
Link470 - 21-Mar-20
Simon Augustin adds 2 more runs to the PSK Distance Challenge
Link469 - 18-Mar-20
Ollie Jay also joins the PSK Distance Challenge - 13.9 km for 1 hr.
Link468 - 15-Mar-20
Ian Cooke joins the PSK Distance Challenge - 11.3 km for 1 hr.
Link467 - 13-Mar-20
Catriona Woods adds another run to the PSK Distance Challenge - 10.83 km for 1 hr.
Link466 - 05-Mar-20
Alan Hunter adds a time to the North Berwick TT
Link465 - 05-Mar-20
Simon Augustin joins the PSK Distance Challenge with 3 new times
Link464 - 01-Mar-20
Llyn Padarn TT Race 6 times up.
Link463 - 25-Feb-20
Brian Turnbull completes his 3hr leg of the PSK Distance Challenge.
Link462 - 20-Feb-20
James Wingfield adds his first entry to the PSK Distance Challenge.
Link461 - 06-Feb-20
Steve Miles adds another time to the Beacon TT for the Anglesey Masters Challenge + PSK Distance Challenge.
Link460 - 21-Jan-20
Llyn Padarn TT results updated.
Link459 - 18-Jan-20
Dave Cutts adds a 1hr leg to the PSK Distance Challenge - moving into 4th place.
Link458 - 18-Jan-20
Dave Cutts also completes the Beacon TT for the Anglesey Masters Challenge.
Link457 - 13-Jan-20
Brian Turnbull improves on his PSK Distance Challenge - 18.15 km for 1 hr.
Link456 - 29-Dec-19
Catriona Woods also adds a second run to the PSK Distance Challenge - 10.40 km for 1 hr.
Link455 - 21-Dec-19
Jane Parker also adds her name to the PSK Distance Challenge - 6.11 km for 1 hr.
Link454 - 15-Dec-19
Llyn Paddarn TT - Race 4 results up
Link453 - 07-Dec-19
Catriona Woods also adds her name to the PSK Distance Challenge - 10.82 km for 1 hr.
Link452 - 07-Dec-19
Sarah Horton completes a circumnav of Anglesey, assisted by Geth Roberts - 3yr 187 days
Link451 - 06-Dec-19
Brian Turnbull adds his name to the PSK Distance Challenge - 16.84 km for 1 hr.
Link450 - 05-Nov-19
Correction to the Ireland Circumnav for Jeff Allen/Harry Whelan - should show 25 days
Link449 - 05-Nov-19
Paul Williams adds a time to the Llyn Padarn TT - 29:54
Link448 - 29-Oct-19
Details of Jörgen Kard's Gotland Circumnav added
Link447 - 29-Oct-19
Details of Pat Rodgers Ireland Circumnav (1997) corrected
Link446 - 29-Oct-19
Results for Llyn Padarn TT Race 2 added
Link445 - 28-Oct-19
A 1981 crossing from Alderney to Swanage added - Bouteloup, Bouteloup, Hurley, Hickey and Mansell
Link444 - 26-Sep-19
Steve Miles joins the PSK Distance Challenge
Link443 - 22-Sep-19
Dave Cutts + Kathy Webb complete a Distance Challenge in Sardinia
Link442 - 19-Sep-19
Steve Miles completes the Menai Ultimate
Link441 - 18-Sep-19
John Willacy completes a circumnav of the Isle of Man
Link440 - 18-Sep-19
Llyn Padarn TT times up
Link439 - 17-Sep-19
Rich Griffiths Hughes completes the Anglesey Masters
Link438 - 17-Sep-19
Steve Miles adds a new PB to the Beacon TT
Link437 - 05-Sep-19
Llyn Padarn TT - Dates for new season up
Link436 - 02-Sep-19
Andrew Corner and Lyndsay McPhee complete the Lower Bann Trail
Link435 - 29-Aug-19
Ed Loffill completes a solo circumnav of Mull, Iona and Treshnish
Link434 - 26-Aug-19
Pascale Eichenmuller + John Willacy circumnav Holy Island - 03:29
Link433 - 25-Aug-19
Bryan Dickinson and Jenny Wong complete the Bardsey Island TT in 48:21
Link432 - 25-Aug-19
Clare Sharp improves her Llyn Padarn TT Open Time - 27:28
Link431 - 24-Aug-19
Dave Cutts + Kathy Webb (Team Gen X) add a new time to the Pen 2 Puffin TT, and the 1hr Distance Challenge
Link430 - 23-Aug-19
Jim Wallis also adds his first entries to the PSK Distance Challenge - 1hr
Link429 - 23-Aug-19
Tom Thorpe completes his circumnav of Ireland - 26 days
Link428 - 20-Aug-19
Lizzie Garnett and Mark Rainsley paddle John O'Groats to Muckle Flugga
Link427 - 20-Aug-19
Pascale Eichenmuller adds her first entry to the PSK Distance Challenge - 1hr
Link426 - 16-Aug-19
Philip Plume completes a SUP IOW Circumnav - 14:25
Link425 - 14-Aug-19
Peter Eichenmuller adds his first entry to the PSK Distance Challenge, and takes the 'Furthest from Anglesey' prize.
Link424 - 12-Aug-19
News Summary page added
Link423 - 12-Aug-19
Tim Wiggins completes an IOW Circumnav - 11:54 tbc
Link422 - 07-Aug-19
Chris Thorne adds a SUP time to the Llyn Padarn TT - 33:10
Link421 - 06-Aug-19
Kathy Webb + Lorenzo Cutts add times to the Llyn Padarn TT - 35:37 + 36:07
Link420 - 05-Aug-19
James Pigdon adds his first entry to the PSK Distance Challenge
Link419 - 03-Aug-19
Norbert Ziober, Petr Major and Nick Arding circumnavigate Anglesey - Team Record
Link418 - 02-Aug-19
John Willacy adds a circumnav of Achill Island
Link417 - 29-Jul-19
Jim Swift completes a circumnav or Ireland by paddleboard - 38 days
Link416 - 29-Jul-19
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a time to the Menai Challenge - Challenge course
Link415 - 28-Jul-19
Dropseat Adventure complete their circumnav of Ireland - 55 days
Link414 - 20-Jul-19
Steven Whipp completes the Distance Challenge - 41.6 km
Link413 - 17-Jul-19
Dimitri Vandepoele completes his first Distance Challenge run - 30.2 km
Link412 - 15-Jul-19
Andy Murphy completes LEJOG - 91 days
Link411 - 07-Jul-19
New time added to the PSK Distance Challenge
Link410 - 07-Jul-19
Rich Griffiths Hughes completes the Menai Ultimate
Link409 - 06-Jul-19
A few more times added to the Puffin Island Loop
Link408 - 06-Jul-19
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a PB to the Parochial Puffin Island Loop
Link407 - 05-Jul-19
Team Gen X add a run to the 3 hr Distance Challenge
Link406 - 29-Jun-19
Dave Cutts and Kathy Webb add their first run of the ANglesey Masters Challenge
Link405 - 29-Jun-19
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add a team run to the 3 hr Distance Challenge.
Link404 - 25-Jun-19
Details added of a 1993 Scillies Crossing - Chamberlin, Copestake, Nelson and Oldrini
Link403 - 20-Jun-19
Steve Miles revisits the Menai Challenge with a 52:26 for the Challenge Course
Link402 - 18-Jun-19
Dave Cutts and Kathy Webb add more times to the Llyn Padarn Open list
Link401 - 04-Jun-19
Rob Burgess,Ritchie Diaper and David Simpson complete their Ireland Circumnav - 52 days
Link400 - 27-May-19
Body Pemberton crosses from Falmouth to Brittany
Link399 - 26-May-19
John Willacy completes a circumnav of Wales - 15 days
Link398 - 24-May-19
Paul Williams also adds his first time to the Llyn Padarn Open list
Link397 - 23-May-19
Dave Cutts, Pascale E and Kathy Webb add times to the Llyn Padarn Open list
Link396 - 18-May-19
Volker Gartner paddles the River Rhein to place himself on the top of the Distance Challenge table.
Link395 - 07-May-19
Clare Sharp adds her first time to the Llyn P Open List
Link394 - 06-May-19
Dropseat Adventure added to In-Progress page
Link393 - 02-May-19
Dave Cutts continues with his monthly Menai Challenge
Link392 - 01-May-19
Open Run Times now displayed for Llyn P TT course.
Link391 - 23-Apr-19
Steven Whipp adds a 9km to the 1hr Distance Challenge and 25km to the 3hr
Link390 - 22-Apr-19
John Willacy adds a time to the Anglesey Masters - Beacon Course
Link389 - 20-Apr-19
John Willacy adds a time to the Anglesey Masters - Skerries Course
Link388 - 20-Apr-19
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a PB to the Menai Challenge
Link387 - 19-Apr-19
Dave Cutts adds his first time to the Anglesey Masters
Link386 - 18-Apr-19
Frank Harradence is the first to complete all 3 distance's on the Distance Challenge
Link385 - 11-Apr-19
Frank Harradence adds the first 5hr paddle to take top place on the Distance Challenge board
Link384 - 08-Apr-19
Dave Cutts adds his April time to the Menai Challenge
Link383 - 08-Apr-19
Pascale Eichenmuller + John Willacy complete the Anglesey Masters (Team)
Link382 - 04-Apr-19
Frank Harradence adds the first English entry to the PSK Distance Challenge
Link381 - 28-Mar-19
Dave Cutts adds two new times to the Menai Challenge - both courses
Link380 - 26-Mar-19
New entries added to the PSK Distance Challenge
Link379 - 16-Mar-19
Chris Thorne is the first to add a distance to the PSK Distance Challenge
Link378 - 12-Mar-19
A new challenge paddle is added - the PSK Distance Challenge
Link377 - 08-Mar-19
Pascale Eichenmuller adds a MC time.
Link376 - 06-Mar-19
Llyn Padarn TT February results up
Link375 - 25-Feb-19
Dave Cutts adds another time to the Pen2Puffin TT - 02:04
Link374 - 25-Feb-19
Frank Harradence adds a time to the Scolt Head Island TT: 02:01
Link373 - 19-Feb-19
PSK Archive - Swelly Surf Guide update
Link372 - 11-Feb-19
Dave Cutts adds yet another time to the Menai Challenge: 63:26
Link371 - 04-Feb-19
Llyn Padarn TT results pages refurbished
Link370 - 28-Jan-19
Dave Cutts adds yet another time to the Menai Challenge: 62:02
Link369 - 27-Jan-19
1992 St Kilda Crossing by Adrian Tyrrell added
Link368 - 25-Jan-19
Dave Cutts adds another time to the Menai Challenge: 69:02
Link367 - 21-Jan-19
Steve Miles' Menai Challenge time 65:49 (03/01/19) added
Link366 - 21-Jan-19
Steve Miles' completes another Menai Challenge time 69:22 for a 10.0m tide
Link365 - 16-Jan-19
Llyn Padarn TT - PB List and All Run Times back again
Link364 - 15-Jan-19
Jonny Eldridge adds another PB to the Menai Challenge: 46:17 - Challenge Course
Link363 - 14-Jan-19
Dave Cutts adds another PB to the Menai Challenge: 64:35
Link362 - 11-Jan-19
Jonny Eldridge adds his first time of 2019 to the Menai Challenge: 58:56
Link361 - 10-Jan-19
Swelly Surf Guide: Part 2 added to the PSK Archive
Link360 - 09-Jan-19
Jenny Wong adds a Menai Challenge time - a PB for Jenny: 69:38
Link359 - 03-Jan-19
Llyn Padarn TT times updated
Link358 - 02-Jan-19
Chris Thorne adds a new time to the Menai Challenge Legacy - 67:18 PB
Link357 - 02-Jan-19
Dave Cutts adds a new time to the Menai Challenge Legacy - 65:19 PB
Link356 - 02-Jan-19
Steve Miles adds another run to the Ang Masters - Skerries 01:46
Link355 - 24-Dec-18
Pascale Eichenmuller, Rich Griffiths Hughes and John Willacy add new times to the Menai Challenge Legacy
Link354 - 21-Nov-18
Dave Cutts adds a new time to the Menai Challenge Legacy - 69:28
Link353 - 21-Nov-18
John Willacy adds a run to the Ang Masters - Skerries 1:36
Link352 - 12-Nov-18
Llyn Padarn TT times for 2018 updated
Link351 - 19-Oct-18
Joe Langham and Joe Leach make a fast crossing to Lundy - 02:19
Link350 - 13-Oct-18
Finn Burnham completes a circumnavigation of Wales- 43 days
Link349 - 10-Oct-18
Dave Cutts adds a new time to the Menai Challenge Legacy - 71:49
Link348 - 28-Sep-18
Dave Cutts adds a further time to the Pen2Puffin TT - 02:23:37
Link347 - 22-Sep-18
Jenny Wong and Bryan Dickinson add times to the Menai Challenge Legacy
Link346 - 12-Sep-18
Dave Cutts adds a time to the Menai Challenge Legacy - 69:36
Link345 - 02-Aug-18
Jens Fenne and Edmund Hinze also complete a North Sea Crossing
Link344 - 01-Aug-18
Dimitri Vandepoele completes a 2nd North Sea crossing
Link343 - 21-Jul-18
Dave Cutts + Kathy Webb complete the Puffin TT
Link342 - 21-Jul-18
Jonny Eldridge posts the fastest time for the Anglesey Masters - Skerries course
Link341 - 14-Jul-18
Petr Major completes a circumnav of Ireland - 45 days
Link340 - 07-Jul-18
Rob Townsend completes the Malltraeth Madness - 03:12 (SUP)
Link339 - 05-Jul-18
Frank Harradence improves on his Scotl Head TT time - 01:54
Link338 - 05-Jul-18
Rich Grifffiths Hughes adds a PB to the MC Legacy - 63:27
Link337 - 03-Jul-18
Alistair Hornsby and Brennan Waller complete an IOM crossing from St Bees - 07:33
Link336 - 01-Jul-18
Jonny Eldridge acompletes the Menai Ultimate - 05:10
Link335 - 29-Jun-18
Jonny Eldridge adds another PB to the Menai Challenge
Link334 - 26-Jun-18
Ali Donald, David Horkan and Shane Young complete the St George's Channel Crossing - 10:51
Link333 - 14-Jun-18
Giles Trussell completes a round trip to St Kilda and back
Link332 - 09-Jun-18
Rich Griffiths Hughes adds a PB to the MC Legacy
Link331 - 04-Jun-18
Andy Merrick, George Shaw and Daniel Shimmin cross from IOM to Cumbria
Link330 - 03-Jun-18
Jonny Eldridge adds another time to the Anglesey Masters - 3 Mice
Link329 - 30-May-18
Jonny Eldridge adds his first time to the Anglesey Masters
Link328 - 30-May-18
Petr Major sets off around Ireland
Link327 - 29-May-18
The PSK Archive is now on-line
Link326 - 28-May-18
Jonny Eldridge adds a PB to the Menai Challenge Challenge
Link325 - 26-May-18
Jonny Eldridge adds a PB to the Menai Challenge Legacy
Link324 - 24-May-18
Spruce and Taylor add a time to the Hayling Island TT
Link323 - 22-May-18
Legacy times for Scillies Crossing from Mark Rainsley added
Link322 - 14-May-18
Dan McGonigle goes sub-3:00 for his first run on the Puffin TT
Link321 - 14-May-18
Dan Shimmin adds his first time to the PSK pages with a circ of the IOM - 11:36
Link320 - 14-May-18
Dave Cutts adds a time to the Pen2Puffin TT - 02:18:23
Link319 - 14-May-18
Rich Holt and Matt Parton circumnav the Isle of Wight - 09:43
Link318 - 30-Apr-18
Dan McGonigle sets a Menai Challenge PB
Link317 - 27-Apr-18
Pascale Eichenmuller + John Willacy add the 3 Mice to the Ang Masters
Link316 - 27-Apr-18
Rich Griffiths Hughes completes the Malltraeth Madness
Link315 - 27-Apr-18
Robert Townsend (SUP) adds his first time to the Ang Masters
Link314 - 21-Apr-18
Alan Hunter adds a time to the Lothian Loop
Link313 - 20-Apr-18
Dave Cutts completes the Puffin Island TT - 03:32:57
Link312 - 18-Apr-18
Royal Welsh Challenge - POSTPONED
Link311 - 08-Apr-18
Chris Thorne completes the full Anglesey Masters series
Link310 - 08-Apr-18
Rich Griffiths Hughes completes the 3 Mice
Link309 - 24-Mar-18
Chris Thorne completes the Ang Masters 3 Mice - 04:13:32
Link308 - 18-Mar-18
Llyn Padarn TT results up
Link307 - 07-Mar-18
Chris Thorne adds a SUP PB (and course SUP record) to the MC Legacy
Link306 - 07-Mar-18
Chris Thorne pushes his SUP PB even further on the MC Legacy
Link305 - 07-Mar-18
InProgress page updated for start of 2018 season
Link304 - 07-Mar-18
Irish Coast Paddling Champs added to Events Calendar
Link303 - 22-Feb-18
John Willacy adds a new time to the Ang Masters - 3 Mice
Link302 - 21-Feb-18
Chris Thorne paddles his SUP to add a time on the Ang Masters - The Stacks route
Link301 - 21-Feb-18
Dave Cutts adds a run to the MC Legacy
Link300 - 19-Feb-18
Latest results up for Llyn Padarn TT
Link299 - 17-Feb-18
Chris Thorne completes the Puffin TT in 05:00:01 (SUP)
Link298 - 08-Feb-18
Pascale Eichenmuller + John Willacy add times to the MC Legacy
Link297 - 22-Jan-18
Llyn Padarn TT times up for January. New page updates also.
Link296 - 12-Jan-18
Dave Cutts adds a PB to the MC Legacy course
Link295 - 12-Jan-18
New times added to Puffin Island Loop TT
Link294 - 02-Jan-18
Steve Miles adds the first 2018 run to the MC Legacy - 2nd Jan
Link293 - 01-Jan-18
First runs of the Menai Challenge 2018 - 1st Jan
Link292 - 22-Dec-17
Eichenmuller/Willacy add a time to the Ang Masters - The Stacks route
Link291 - 22-Dec-17
Events Calendar updated
Link290 - 22-Dec-17
Llyn Padarn TT page, new layout
Link289 - 04-Dec-17
New times for the Puffin Loop - Pascale Eichenmuller, Dan McGonigle and John Willacy
Link288 - 13-Nov-17
Chris Thorne adds a PB to the MC SUP Challenge Course - 57:01
Link287 - 02-Nov-17
John Willacy adds a time to the Puffin TT - 02:59:45
Link286 - 02-Nov-17
Jonny Eldridge adds a new time to the MC Legacy - 63:38
Link285 - 02-Nov-17
Steve Miles completes the Anglesey Masters 3 Mice - 03:27:22
Link284 - 29-Oct-17
Rich Griffiths Hughes takes his first run of the MC Challenge course - 58:30
Link283 - 28-Sep-17
Chris Thorne adds a time to the Ang Masters Dulas Dash
Link282 - 26-Sep-17
Another time added to the Ang Masters
Link281 - 25-Sep-17
Pascale Eichenmuller/John Willacy add a time to the Ang Masters Malltraeth
Link280 - 24-Sep-17
Llyn Padarn TT Winter Series starts with a K2 dust-up
Link279 - 22-Sep-17
Jessie and Will Brown complete the North Channel crossing - 30th Aug
Link278 - 17-Sep-17
Pascale E adds anew time to the MC Legacy - 64:03
Link277 - 05-Sep-17
Steve Miles adds 3(!) times to the Ang Masters
Link276 - 05-Sep-17
Steve Miles adds a time to the MC Challenge course - 53:40
Link275 - 02-Sep-17
Dan McGonigle and Rich Griffiths Hughes both add Anglesey Masters times on the Skerries route
Link274 - 02-Sep-17
Jeff Parker takes his first run of the MC Challenge course - 48:08
Link273 - 02-Sep-17
Steve Miles joins the Anglesey Masters challenge with a run of the Skerries route
Link272 - 01-Sep-17
John Willacy adds a new time to the Anglesey Masters also
Link271 - 29-Aug-17
Chris Thorne christens the Ang Masters Malltraeth route
Link270 - 26-Aug-17
Jonny Eldridge completes his Ireland Circumnav
Link269 - 26-Aug-17
Norbert Ziober adds a new time to the Anglesey Masters too
Link268 - 26-Aug-17
Team Fatboy add a new time to the Anglesey Masters
Link267 - 13-Aug-17
Dan McGonigle also adds a time to the Anglesey Masters - Menai Ultimate course
Link266 - 13-Aug-17
Norbert adds a time to the Anglesey Masters too, on the 3 Mice
Link265 - 13-Aug-17
Richard Griffiths Hughes and Chris Thorne add times to the Anglesey Masters
Link264 - 10-Aug-17
Bryan Dickinson adds a time to the Anglesey Masters - Dulas Dash
Link263 - 02-Aug-17
Alan Hunter adds a time to the Lothian Loop
Link262 - 17-Jul-17
New time on the MC Legacy from Pascale (a PB2)
Link261 - 09-Jul-17
New times on the MC Challenge from Norbert, Richard Peevor, Chris Thorne, Pascale and John Willacy
Link260 - 04-Jul-17
Julian Haines completes his Ireland Circumnavigation - 59 days
Link259 - 29-Jun-17
Steve Miles adds a new time to the MC Legacy list: 01:06:10
Link258 - 14-Jun-17
Frank Harradence adds a PB to the Scolt Head Island TT - 01:55:48
Link257 - 04-Jun-17
Catriona and Patrick Woods, Elaine Alexander and Desi ? cross the North Channel - 05:04
Link256 - 04-Jun-17
Will Brown and Gary McClure cross the North Channel - 04:25
Link255 - 31-May-17
Ade Butt, Guy Holmes and Richard Kent add times to the Hayling Island TT
Link254 - 31-May-17
Chris Thorne takes the MC Challenge SUP time under the hour - 59:08
Link253 - 23-May-17
New times added to the MC2017 for Dave Cutts, Kathy Webb and Peter Eichenmuller
Link252 - 17-May-17
New times added to the MC2017 for Rich Griffiths Hughes and John Willacy - Legacy and Challenge respectively
Link251 - 10-May-17
Temporary page added for new Skerries TT - not yet on menu bar. Norbert adds the first time.
Link250 - 07-May-17
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add PBs to the Pen2Puffin - 02:05:44 and 01:46:15 respectively
Link249 - 07-May-17
Richard Griffiths Hughes adds a PB to the MC Legacy - 69:47
Link248 - 01-May-17
Dan McGonigle adds a new time to the MC Legacy - 61:21
Link247 - 17-Apr-17
Chris Thorne adds another PB to MC Challeneg SUP times - 01:01:30
Link246 - 17-Apr-17
Jonny Eldridge adds a time to the Pen2Puffin TT - 02:13:00
Link245 - 14-Apr-17
** DW Paddler Progress Live Update **
Link244 - 11-Apr-17
Michal Madera and Natalie Maderova cross to the Scillies - 06:12
Link243 - 02-Apr-17
Bryan Dickinson adds a 01:04 to the MC 2017 Legacy course.
Link242 - 02-Apr-17
James Forward and Julian Haines circumnav the IOW - 11:42:15
Link241 - 02-Apr-17
Rich Holt and Matt Parton also circumnav the IOW - 11:27
Link240 - 01-Apr-17
Chris Thorne adds a PB to MC Challeneg SUP times - 01:07:46
Link239 - 25-Mar-17
Dan McGonigle adds 3 times to the MC 2017 Legacy - including a double-lapper!
Link238 - 25-Mar-17
John Willacy completes the Jura circumnav in 09:55
Link237 - 06-Mar-17
Chris Thorne adds yet another PB to the MC Challenge SUP
Link236 - 02-Mar-17
News of Dean Dunbar and Allistair Swinsco Bute SUP Circumnav added
Link235 - 27-Feb-17
Chris Thorne adds a PB to the MC Challenge SUP
Link234 - 26-Feb-17
Events Calendar updated
Link233 - 20-Feb-17
Latest times added to the Llyn Padarn TT
Link232 - 08-Jan-17
Richard Peevor is the first to add a sweaty time to the MC 2017
Link231 - 20-Dec-16
Latest times for the Llyn Padarn TT now added
Link230 - 19-Dec-16
A new Menai Challenge PB for John Willacy - 54:15
and a PB2nd for Pascale - 63:43
Link229 - 30-Nov-16
Chris Thorne is the first to add times to the new Menai Challenge SUP page
Link228 - 29-Nov-16
Chris Withers and Jonny Eldridge - Wales to IOM crossing
Link227 - 24-Nov-16
Llyn Padarn TT page added
Link226 - 13-Nov-16
Events Calendar updated for 2017
Link225 - 11-Oct-16
John Willacy adds a time for Scarba Circumnav - 01:32:05
Link224 - 05-Oct-16
New page added: Performance Record Holders
Link223 - 04-Oct-16
New times for the MC Challenge Course: Richard Peevor - 54:22
Pascale Eichenmuller - 53:17, John Willacy - 46:21
Link222 - 20-Sep-16
Dan McGonigle also completes an Anglesey Circ - 11:20:18
Link221 - 18-Sep-16
Brian Turnbull adds a cracking Lothian Loop time - 01:49:50
Link220 - 18-Sep-16
Eila Wilkinson completes her 3rd Anglesey Circ - 12:18:41
Link219 - 07-Sep-16
Alan Hunter adds a new time to the North Berwick TT - 01:16:52
Link218 - 07-Sep-16
Frank Harradence adds a new PB to the Scolt Head Island TT - 02:03:04
Link217 - 05-Sep-16
Kathy Webb and Dave Cutts add new times to the MC Legacy course
Link216 - 31-Aug-16
Freya Hoffmeister's Ireland Circumnav added
Link215 - 29-Aug-16
New page added - Menai Ultimate TT
Link214 - 24-Aug-16
John Willacy breaks the record for the IOM Circumnav - 10:33
Link213 - 16-Aug-16
Pascale Eichenmuller also records a new PB for the MC Legacy course - 59:31
Link212 - 04-Aug-16
Pascale Eichenmuller records a new PB for the MC Challenge course - 53:58
Link211 - 29-Jul-16
Neil Turnbull adds PB to North Berwick TT - 01:16:20
Alan Hunter adds a time to the Lothian Loop
Link210 - 28-Jul-16
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy add new times to MC2016 - 01:06:09 and 55:38 respectively
Link209 - 24-Jul-16
Brian Turnbull sets a new standard for the North Berwick TT - 01:14:53
Link208 - 24-Jul-16
Various new times added to the North Berwick TT results
Link207 - 13-Jul-16
Brian Turnbull adds a time to North Berwick TT - 01:18:12
Lizelle Kemp adds a time too: 01:24:33
Link206 - 13-Jul-16
Neil Turnbull also adds a time to North Berwick TT - 01:21:31
Link205 - 04-Jul-16
Alan Hunter adds a new time to North Berwick TT - 01:24:01
Link204 - 30-Jun-16
Latest issue of the PSK Journal now on-line
Link203 - 23-Jun-16
Jonny Eldridge and Dan McGonigle circumnav Anglesey - 13:14
Link202 - 18-Jun-16
Cathal Bagnall and Catriona Woods complete a North Channel Crossing - 05:30
Link201 - 18-Jun-16
Pascale Eichenmuller and John Willacy set new PBs for the MC Challenge course (55:10 - 46:07)
Link200 - 15-Jun-16
Aled Williams returns to the PSK fold with a 52:27 for the MC Challenge Course
Link199 - 13-Jun-16
New TT added - Pen2Puffin
Link198 - 11-Jun-16
Richard Peevor and Kamala Sen complete a Bute Circumnav - 08:30
Link197 - 10-Jun-16
Norbert Ziober adds a MC Legacy PB - 65:52
Link196 - 06-Jun-16
Bryan Dickinson completes a solo circumnavigation of Anglesey - 14:32
Link195 - 29-May-16
Norbert Ziober completes the Infinity Loop (Jura/Scarba) 18:02 for 66 nm
Link194 - 26-May-16
Richard Griffiths Hughes adds a new time to MC - 01:10:47
Link193 - 12-May-16
Joe Leach shaves a few more seconds off the Black Rock Dash - 35:49
Link192 - 12-May-16
John Willacy adds a 2016 PB to the MC Legacy course - 56:39
Link191 - 06-May-16
Katie Ellis adds a time to the Falmouth Triangle - 06:36
Link190 - 20-Apr-16
Paddler List pages updated
Link189 - 16-Apr-16
UK Circumnav page has been re-vamped
Link188 - 07-Apr-16
A handful of new times on the MC Legacy results - with Dan McGonigle (57:44) going to the top of the 2016 list
Link187 - 04-Apr-16
Bryan Dickinson adds another time to the MC Challenge Course- 54:50
Link186 - 03-Apr-16
Search Pages updated and new Perf Boat List added
Link185 - 02-Apr-16
Norbert Z adds his first time to the MC Legacy results: 72:42
Link184 - 22-Mar-16
Bryan Dickinson adds his first time to the MC Challenge Course- 55:25
Link183 - 22-Mar-16
David Horkan adds a top time to the MC Legacy: 58:20
Link182 - 13-Mar-16
Richard Peevor also adds a time for the MC Legacy: 01:04:46
Link181 - 12-Mar-16
Baggy adds a 01:17:30 for the MC Legacy Course
Link180 - 01-Mar-16
Norbert completes another circumnav of Scarba 1:58
Link179 - 26-Feb-16
New pages added to the Menai Challenge results
Link178 - 17-Feb-16
David Horkan adds his first time to the Menai Challenge - 62:36
Link177 - 18-Feb-16
Joe Leach adds his first time to the Menai Challenge - 63:24
Link176 - 17-Feb-16
The latest Journal article (from Katie Ellis) is now on-line
Link175 - 11-Feb-16
Bryan Dickinson adds a new time to the Menai Challenge - 62:44
Link174 - 30-Jan-16
The new PSK Journal is now on-line
Link173 - 27-Jan-16
Jonny Eldridge adds a 2016 Menai Challenge Legacy time: 66:55
Link172 - 24-Jan-16
Richard Peevor adds a 2016 Menai Challenge time: 63:54
Link171 - 20-Jan-16
Events Calendar Updated
Link170 - 17-Jan-16
Bryan Dickinson + Jenny Wong add new times to the 2016 Menai Challenge
Link169 - 31-Dec-15
Details of Bryan Dickinson's Menai Straits Ultimate added
Link168 - 01-Jan-16
The Menai Challenge Choccy Run gets the season underway
Link167 - 10-Dec-15
Steve Miles adds a Menai Challenge time: 52:44
Link166 - 04-Nov-15
Bryan Dickinson adds a MC 15 time: 64:23
Link165 - 20-Oct-15
Norbert Ziober makes a 2nd crossing of the North Minch
Link164 - 20-Oct-15
Trip Calculator2 updated
Link163 - 15-Oct-15
Pascale E sets her first time on The Pladda Ring - 12:20
John Willacy also sets a time - 10:43
Link162 - 15-Oct-15
Sonja Ewen + Sue Honan July 2015 Ireland Circumnav - added
Link161 - 16-Oct-15
John Willacy circumnavigates Arran - 09:14
Link160 - 06-Oct-15
Pascale E sets her first 2015 legacy time on the Menai Challenge - 65:41.
John Willacy sets a 2015 PB for the Legacy course - 57:07
Link159 - 25-Sep-15
Dan McGonigle + Steve Miles complete Ireland Circumnav - 34 days
Link158 - 13-Sep-15
GPS File upload facility now available on Contact PSK page
Link157 - 08-Sep-15
Jonny Eldridge goes under the hour on the M.C. Challenge course - 56:06
Link156 - 31-Aug-15
Catriona Woods crosses the North Channel too - 04:42:04
Link155 - 01-Sep-15
David Horkan crosses the North Channel 03:51:43
Link154 - 31-Aug-15
Christian Dingenotto and Mirco Goldhausen complete the Ireland Circumnav
Link153 - 24-Aug-15
Brian Turnbull makes a return crossing of the North Channel
Link152 - 01-Jan-70
Michal and Natalie Madera add crossings for St Kilda, Little Minch and Hebridean Sea
Link151 - 19-Aug-15
Various new Lothian Loop times added
Link150 - 18-Aug-15
Sean Cahill and Jon Hynes complete their Ireland Circumnav
Link149 - 16-Aug-15
Dimitri Vandepooele's North Sea Crossing added - 17:36:00
Link148 - 14-Aug-15
Sally Harradence added to the Scolt Head Time Trial - 02:47:10
Link147 - 15-Aug-15
Tavi Murray - Lundy crossing 04:09:25 added
Link146 - 14-Aug-15
Baggy goes under the hour on the M.C. Challenge course
Link145 - 14-Aug-15
Irish Sea Circumnavs added for Mick O'Meara and for Joe Leach
Link144 - 13-Aug-15
Menai Challenge times added for Snowdonia C.C. paddlers
Richard Peevor sets a new PB for the course too
Link143 - 19-May-15
Murray, Suter, Zurbrugg-Greenaway and Chandler complete Roof of Britain
Link142 - 01-May-15
Norbert Ziober crosses the North Minch
Link141 - 24-Apr-15
Frank Harradence sets the standard for the new Scolt Head Island Time Trial
Link140 - 19-Apr-15
New PB's also for Alan Hunter and Neil Turnbull on the Lothian Loop
Link139 - 19-Apr-15
Norbert Ziober adds his name to PSK with a crossing of the Little Minch
Link138 - 18-Apr-15
Lizelle Kemp adds a new PB to the Lothian Loop
Link137 - 07-Apr-15
Richard Peevor takes his first run at the 2015 Menai Challenge - 60:05
Pascale Eichenmuller sets a new PB - 55:40
Link136 - 03-Apr-15
Baggy adds a new time to Menai Challenge page.
Link135 - 03-Apr-15
Katie Ellis and Lee Taylor about to set out on their UK Circumnav
Link134 - 27-Mar-15
Zoe Newsam sets out to circumnav Scotland
Link133 - 25-Mar-15
New short course added to the Falmouth Triangle page
Link132 - 23-Mar-15
John Willacy sets a new time for the IOW Circ record - 07:19
Link131 - 11-Mar-15
Katie Ellis adds her first time to the Falmouth Triangle - 06:52
Link130 - 10-Mar-15
Crossing Distances are currently being updated to show straight line route distances - not GPS/Tidal distances
Link129 - 26-Feb-15
Glove down: times now on the board for the 2015 Menai Challenge
Link128 - 22-Feb-15
Details of Causeway Coast Kayak Association crossing of North Channel added
Link127 - 03-Feb-15
New page added: Records Search
Link126 - 02-Feb-15
UK Circumnavigation article added
Link125 - 28-Jan-15
Details of 2015 Menai Challenge course added to site
Link124 - 23-Jan-15
Oban Sea Kayak Race date altered to 29th Aug 2015
Link123 - 28-Dec-14
Richard Peevor and Pascale Eichenmuller set PBs for the Menai Challenge
Link122 - 25-Dec-14
Sneaking in new Menai Challenge times before the end of the year
Link121 - 18-Dec-14
New page added: Records - The List
Link120 - 17-Dec-14
Canoeist Article of Andy Fleck's 1984 Ireland Circumnav added
Link119 - 24-Nov-14
Paul Krysik breaks the record for Hayling Island
Link118 - 09-Nov-14
3 new times for the Menai Challenge
Paul Krysik: 59:40 - Pascale Eichenmuller: 65:59 - Richard Peevor: 71:33
Link117 - 03-Nov-14
Lismore Kayak Challenge 2015 added to Events Calendar
Link116 - 13-Oct-14
Mark Baggy Richards knocks a minute off his Puffin Loop time
Link115 - 07-Oct-14
Nick Arding completes an 08:25 round trip to Lundy - including a lap of the island and a pint in the Tavern! Jul-14
Link114 - 07-Oct-14
Jeff Parker goes 'sub-60' on the Menai Challenge - 27/9/14
Link113 - 07-Oct-14
Axel Schoevers rounds Anglesey in 15:10 - 28/9/14
Link112 - 07-Oct-14
Andy Hiscock circumnavigates the Isle of Wight in 09:27 - 13/9/14
Link111 - 07-Oct-14
Will Herman and Tim Pearson complete a circumnav of Mull - Sep 14
Link110 - 08-Oct-14
Apologies to Nick Arding, we missed his Anglesey Circ - 12:30 - 17/7/14
Link109 - 25-Sep-14
Matt Hawkins and Mark Richards complete the Anglesey Circumnav 08/09/14
Link108 - 20-Sep-14
Mark''Baggy' Richards adds his 2nd time to the Menai Challenge
Link107 - 10-Sep-14
Details added of S.Miles/Z.Robinson completion of Roof of Britain (Aug 14)
Link106 - 10-Sep-14
Steve Miles also completes the Anglesey Circumnav: in 12:23
Link105 - 11-Sep-14
John Willacy breaks the Anglesey Circumnav record
Link104 - 05-Sep-14
New times addded to the Lothian Loop for Brian and Neil Turnbull
Link103 - 31-Aug-14
Mark''Baggy' Richards completes his first attempt at the Menai Challenge
Link102 - 09-Aug-14
An invitation from PHCC to the Poole Harbour Race on 14th Sep 2014
Link101 - 09-Aug-14
All About Alderney complete their crossing from Swanage to Alderney
Link100 - 09-Aug-14
Donald Thomson and Calum Urquhart make a 14hr crossing to the Isle of Rhona
Link99 - 13-Jul-14
Alan Hunter adds his first solo time to the Lothian Loop
Link98 - 13-Jul-14
Aled Williams adds another sub-1hr run to the Menai Challenge
Link97 - 13-Jul-14
George Shaw makes a fast crossing from Isle of Man to Anglesey 08:24
Link96 - 13-Jul-14
Neil Turnbull adds an impressive time to the Farne Islands Loop in his Rockpool GT
Link95 - 10-Jul-14
Brian Turnbull improves on his time for the Farne Islands Loop
Link94 - 11-Jul-14
John Willacy sets a new record for the St Bees - I.O.M. crossing
Link93 - 07-Jul-14
Roswitha Wagenknecht adds times to both the Lothian and Farnes loops
Link92 - 04-Jul-14
Ian Tordoff wins the Hilbre Island race
Link91 - 01-Jul-14
Brian Turnbull improves on his Lothian Loop time
Link90 - 30-Jun-14
John Willacy adds a time to the Bardsey Island TT
Link89 - 26-Jun-14
Alan Hunter + Neil Turnbull complete the Lothian Loop in a double
Link88 - 25-Jun-14
Ravenglass Seaquest results and report
Link87 - 20-Jun-14
Eurion Brown and Alex Wainwright make a return crossing to St Kilda
Link86 - 17-Jun-14
Kev Locke also adds his name to the Lothian Loop
Link85 - 16-Jun-14
A new PSK page added - the Lothian Loop, courtesy of Brian Turnbull
Link84 - 16-Jun-14
Lizelle Kemp adds her name to the Lothian Loop (no hanging about!)
Link83 - 13-Jun-14
The Beeline Britain Team reach John O'Groats!
Link82 - 10-Jun-14
Simon Crabtree sets the standard for the circumnavigation of Pladda - the shortest record on the PSK site!
Link81 - 09-Jun-14
Kamala Sen adds her first time to the Menai Challenge 2014 list
Link80 - 08-Jun-14
Paul Krysik adds a new PB to the Hayling Island Circ
Link79 - 06-Jun-14
New PSK pages added: Records - Circ/Crossings
Link78 - 31-May-14
A new Circumnav of the I.O.W. by Mark Rainsley in 09:28
Link77 - 26-May-14
Beeline Britain have paddled their latest leg from Pembrokeshire to Anglesey
Link76 - 23-May-14
About Alderney Team (Buckton, Robson, Smith) have completed a circumnav of the IOW
Link75 - 19-May-14
Beeline Britain have completed a crossing from Land's End to Pembrokeshire
Link74 - 02-May-14
New page added - 'In-Progress'
Link73 - 01-May-14
Aled Williams moves to the top of the Menai Challenge table
Link72 - 30-Apr-14
John Willacy sets a new record for the Scotland - I.O.M. crossing
Link71 - 29-Apr-14
Al Pipe adds his name to the Menai Challenge table
Link70 - 19-Apr-14
John Willacy sets a new record for the circumnav of Bute
Link69 - 13-Mar-14
Kim Tastagh completes his first open crossing
Link68 - 12-Mar-14
D.Attenborough, R.Chandler, S.Miles + J.Stevenson cross the Irish Sea
Link67 - 10-Mar-14
Aled Williams adds another run to the Menai Challenge results
Link66 - 03-Feb-14
Oban Sea Kayak Race - date set for 23 Aug 2014
Link65 - 30-Jan-14
David Attenborough also adds a time to the 2014 Menai Challenge course
Link64 - 29-Jan-14
Steve Miles also adds a time to the new 2014 Menai Challenge course
Link63 - 22-Jan-14
James Stevenson from Adventure Elements enters a time for the new 2014 Menai Challenge course
Link62 - 17-Jan-14
Date announced for the 2014 Eddystone Challenge - 28th June
Link61 - 08-Jan-14
Aled Williams completes the first run of the new Menai Challenge course.
Link60 - 06-Jan-14
Events Calendar has been updated with dates for 2014 events.
Link59 - 01-Jan-14
New and Improved for 2014! A new Menai Challenge Course
Happy New Year to one and all!
Link58 - 06-Dec-13
David Attenborough + Steve Miles take advantage of the last big tides of '13 to complete the Menai Challenge Adv. Course - need to work on your lines Steve!
Link57 - 04-Dec-13
David Attenborough sets the standard for the circumnavigation of Holy Island, Anglesey
Link56 - 26-Nov-13
Confirmation from the organiser that the 2014 Eddystone Challenge will run; date to follow.
Link55 - 21-Nov-13
New Walney Island K2 record - Hart + Longney
Link54 - 12-Nov-13
New FAQs added to the Contact PSK page
Link53 - 05-Oct-13
A new page added to the site with Brian Turnbull's record circumnavigation of the Isle of Arran
Link52 - 01-Oct-13
Details of Nick Arding's LEJOG trip added. 65 days + 900 nm
Link51 - 26-Sep-13
Open Canadian for sale on Buy + Sell pages
Link50 - 25-Sep-13
Richi Oliver completes the IOW circumnavigation in 11:21
Link49 - 22-Sep-13
Guy Slater completes his UK Circumnavigation in 204 days
Link48 - 13-Sep-13
New Anglesey Circumnav time from Elan Winter and Stuart Yendle - 13:05:35
Link47 - 07-Sep-13
New Menai Challenge times from Matt Caunt, Julia Kay and Alex Parker
Link46 - 05-Sep-13
John Willacy sets a new record for the Lundy Crossing (England)
Link45 - 31-Aug-13
Andy and Jane Morton completed their UK + Ireland Circumnav on 26th Aug 13
Link44 - 12-Aug-13
Rachel Cooper and Rob Tew complete their UK Circumnavigation paddle (11 Aug 13)
Link43 - 07-Aug-13
Justine Curgenven sets a new ladies record for the Isle of Anglesey Circumnav
Link42 - 06-Aug-13
Delayed News...
Guðni Páll completes his circumnavigation of Iceland in 94 days
Link41 - 19-Jul-13
Olly Hicks and Patrick Winterton have completed the first kayak crossing from Shetland to Norway - outstanding!
Link40 - 17-Jul-13
Pete Evans has completed an 8 day solo circumnavigation of Skye
Link39 - 16-Jul-13
New IOM circ record - George Shaw (11:43 tbc) 15/7/13
and fast IOM Circ for Kim Tastagh (13:07) 10/7/13
Link38 - 10-Jul-13
Update on the Hayling Island TT
Brendan Reese completed in 02:05:53 in 2011
Link37 - 09-Jul-13
New addition to Time Trial Islands (Challenges) - Hayling Island
Paul Krysik sets the standard for this one at 02:21 (07/07/13)
Link36 - 08-Jul-13
** Important: See SAFETY page for new info on use of kayaks **
Link35 - 21-Jun-13
Another(!) ladies record from Catriona Woods - N.I. to I.O.M. -- (08:55 20-06-13)
Link34 - 13-Jun-13
New record set for Bute Circumnavigation (Brian Turnbull)
Too much news! Running out of space. See Gossip page.
Link33 - 12-Jun-13
Details added of historic Irish Sea Crossings and Anglesey Circumnavigation (thanks to John Chamberlin)
Link32 - 12-Jun-13
New North Channel Crossing Record for Catriona Woods
Coquet Island Race Results posted
Link31 - 11-Jun-13
Details of St Georges' Channel Crossing
Eurion Brown, Mike Mayberry and Stuart Yendle (13:39 03-06-13)
Link30 - 03-Jun-13
Land's End to John O'Groats page now up in /Records.
Link29 - 20-May-13
Glyn Brackenbury has completed his Land's End to John O'Groats paddle. 32 days (I think).
Link28 - 21-Apr-13
Petr Major has set out on his 180 day trip around Scandinavia - see the 'Gossip Page' for details.
Link27 - 09-Apr-13
15 year old Dylan Barber-May and 13 year old Maia Wallace-Loizou cross the English Channel in 4:15!
Link26 - 08-Apr-13
Rachel Cooper and Rob Tew also set out on 6th April on their UK Circ attempt
Good luck!
Link25 - 07-Apr-13
Jane and Andy Morton set out from Weir Quay on Saturday 6th April on their UK + Ireland Circ attempt.
Good luck!
Link24 - 19-Mar-13
The New PSK Trip Directory is now online
- follow 'The Directory' link
Link23 - 18-Mar-13
Andy and Jane Morton set the first K2 time for the Isle of Wight Circumnav. ~12:00 hrs 02/03/13
Link22 - 05-Mar-13
Guy Slater has set out on his UK Circumnavigation attempt
Link21 - 02-Mar-13
New Lundy Crossing record for Glyn Brackenbury
Glyn also made the return journey on same day
Link20 - 25-Feb-13
First record added for circumnavigation of Bute:
Paul Edmonson and Malcolm Stubbs
Link19 - 12-Feb-13
Pete Evans and Steve Miles set the standard for the Anglesey Holy Island Circumnav
Link18 - 10-Feb-13
NEW! PSK Classified Ads
Link17 - 05-Feb-13
Eddystone Challenge 2013 CANCELLED - see 'Events Calendar' for link to website.
Link16 - 03-Feb-13
Chris Drew and Will Herman - a new time for the Walney Island Circumnavigation.
Link15 - 01-Feb-13
Ravenglass Seaquest 2013 - Flyer added to '/Resources/Race Info' section.
Link14 - 27-Jan-13
Details of a North Channel Crossing from Jonny Eldridge and Chris Withers (May 12) added.
Link13 - 21-Jan-13
The details of the 2012 Menai Challenge Prize Draw are now on the MC pages (Challenges)
Link12 - 08-Jan-13
Glyn Brackenbury posts a good winter time for the I.O.W. circumnav - brrr!
Link11 - 07-Jan-13
Aled Williams posts the first times for the Puffin Loop Time Trial (see Time Trial Islands)
Link10 - 04-Jan-13
Added details of a 2011 Circumnavigation of Ireland by Danny Egan and Paddy McGovern - 36 days
New! Weather page added to Resources section - links to various weather info sources
Link9 - 01-Jan-13
Happy New Year and best wishes for your paddling adventures in 2013!
Update of Joe Leach time for Lundy Crossing
Link8 - 24-Dec-12
First time for the Farne Islands Loop, added by Brian Turnbull
Link7 - 22-Dec-12
New section 'Challenges' added
First time for the Falmouth Triangle, added by Joe Leach
Link6 - 19-Dec-12
Details of Rachel Cooper and Rob Tew - UK circ attempt added to 'UK Ongoing' page
Rob Tew IOW Circ added
Link5 - 14-Dec-12
Two Anglesey Circ attempts from Guy Slater added to Circumnav pages
Link4 - 13-Dec-12
'Guy Slater' added to UK Circumnav Ongoing attempts
New page: 'Blogs' added to Resources section
Link3 - 09-Dec-12
Scottish Coastline page added to Inspiration section
AIS Map added to Resources section
Link2 - 08-Dec-12
Scottish Coastline page added to Inspiration section
AIS Map added to Resources section
Link1 - 07-Dec-12
New Scottish Coastline page added to Inspiration section
AIS Map added to Resources section
LinkShowing 1604/1604 news.