Island - Michal Madera

PSK 1000 Islands Challenge - 2025

A new points system has been added for 2025!

The original idea remains - choose an island, paddle around it, send us the GPS track.
You get points for each km around the island.
The larger the island the more points you get.
But for 2025 you also get points for the overall trip distance (1 pt per km), as well as the island points!
So the further you paddle, the more points you get.

2025 points system:
  • Any island -- 1 pt per km + 33% bonus (rounded to nearest whole point)
  • Island points are multiplied by the number of laps completed for that island
  • 1 pt per km of overall trip distance is now added to the final total.
  • Details Here
Image: Natalie Maderova


1000 Islands Challenge Leaderboard - 2025

Click column header to sort

11Oliver Millington121525389
22Phil Smith2210186
33Jon Needham21298
44Tash Ó Treasaigh23359
55Michael O'Farrell22245
66Ian Tindall11121
77Dave Cutts22320
88Kia Quinton11111
99Neal Ricketts1119

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Selected: 0 -

Dist (km)
Totals:0 km0 pts

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Islands - 2025

IslandsCountryCirc Dist kmlatlonBNGFirst PaddledFirst PaddlerVisits
1Ballycotton IslandIreland151.825-7.984xxx,xxx03-Jan-25Tash Ó Treasaigh1
2Black RockScotland156.754-5.194NN 047,67125-Jan-25Oliver Millington2
3Brownsea IslandEngland750.69-1.97SZ 020,87925-Jan-25Phil Smith1
4Eilean MundeScotland156.684-5.129NN 083,59119-Feb-25Kia Quinton1
5Eilean a BhealaidhScotland156.837-5.127NN 093,76201-Jan-25Oliver Millington2
6Eilean na CreicheScotland156.838-5.123NN 095,76201-Jan-25Oliver Millington2
7Eilean nan CraobhScotland156.839-5.133NN 089,76301-Jan-25Oliver Millington2
8FladdaScotland156.248-5.681NM 719,12326-Feb-25Oliver Millington1
9Great Cumbrae IslandScotland1655.768-4.916NS 169,56704-Jan-25Oliver Millington1
10Hayling IslandEngland2150.793-0.985SU 723,01603-Jan-25Jon Needham3
11IllaunbrockIreland151.453-9.441xxx,xxx08-Feb-25Tash Ó Treasaigh1
12Isle of RaasayScotland4557.396-6.048NG 566,42513-Feb-25Oliver Millington1
13KerreraScotland1856.397-5.541NM 814,28611-Jan-25Oliver Millington1
14Lambay IslandIreland853.490-6.017xxx,xxx04-Jan-25Michael O'Farrell1
15LismoreScotland3356.506-5.517NM 844,41419-Jan-25Oliver Millington1
16LungaScotland1056.216-5.699NM 706,08726-Feb-25Oliver Millington1
17Maiden IslandScotland156.430-5.492NM 847,31902-Feb-25Oliver Millington1
18Puffin IslandWales353.318-4.027SH 560,82002-Jan-25Dave Cutts1
19Rubha DeargScotland156.833-5.120NN 097,75701-Jan-25Oliver Millington3
20Samalaman IslandScotland156.835-5.834NM 661,78126-Jan-25Oliver Millington1
21Sgeir ChnapachScotland157.373-6.090NG 541,38813-Feb-25Oliver Millington1
22Sgeir DhubhScotland157.318-6.108NG 527,32713-Feb-25Oliver Millington1
23Sherkin IslandIreland1251.471-9.414xxx,xxx08-Feb-25Tash Ó Treasaigh1
24St Patrick_s IslandIreland253.586-6.073xxx,xxx25-Jan-25Michael O'Farrell1
25The Great Mew StoneEngland150.307-4.106SX 500,47306-Feb-25Ian Tindall1
26Twopenny Loaf RockEngland150.645-3.286SY 092,83608-Feb-25Neal Ricketts1
27Ynys MoelfreWales153.357-4.225SH 519,86804-Jan-25Dave Cutts1
Total: 35

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PSK 1000 Islands Challenge 2025 - Info

Updated points system for 2025

  • Any island -- 1 pt per km + 33% bonus (rounded to nearest whole point)
  • Any points per island are multiplied by the number of laps for that island
  • Then 1 pt per km of overall trip distance is added to the final total.


  • This is a collaborative challenge, please enter into the spirit of things.
  • Open to Solo paddlers, Teams and K2/Doubles. Paddlers are recorded individually.
  • Circumnavs may be single or multi-day, but are to be undertaken within a 'continuous trip'.
  • All circumnavs to be recorded on GPS.
  • Points are allocated for the distance around each island plus the overall trip distance (see below).
  • Any island is to be circumnavigated with a distinct full-lap circumnavigation which completes at the start point for that island lap.
  • For multiple-islands in one trip: each island must have a distinct full-lap circumnav before moving onto the next island in order to count. Please paddle all the way around the island before moving on to the next one! (See image below)
  • For a number of islands encompassed inside one single lap, points will be given for the largest island inside the group only - exception below:
  • No portages allowed.
  • Repeated Laps: Any points per island are multiplied by the number of laps for that island
  • Island Challenge paddles are eligible to 'double-up' on other PSK pages i.e. an Isle of Wight Circumnav can be submitted for both Islands Challenge and Isle of Wight Circumnav pages.
  • UK Mainland and Ireland circumnavs are excluded.
  • No entries from paddles within organised events
  • Avoid disturbance to wildlife at all times.

Submit a lap

Points and Islands

  • All islands - 1.33 pts per km of circumnav distance (rounded up or down to nearest whole point.)
  • Lap Points = island circumnav points x number of laps for that island
  • Total Points = (island points x num laps) + trip distance (km)
  • Trip distance points are only added once to the total
  • Eligible islands - if it's named on reputable map or chart you can have it. Even named 'rocks'.
  • Named features under 1km around will be awarded 1 pt.
  • Un-named features don't count.
  • Multiple laps of 1pt features: For multiple lap paddles of greater than 10 laps, each lap must be greater than 2 mins in length.
  • Distances as measured by PSK and will be taken as the shortest possible paddleable distance around.
  • Note: Defining an island for this challenge is difficult with so many variations - please be reasonable.


  • Kayak, Ski, SUP or Canoe - Any craft you choose must be specifically designed to be suitable for your chosen venue and conditions, and it must be in a seaworthy and safe condition.
  • All paddlers should be capable of paddling their chosen craft safely in all possible conditions for the chosen location.
  • All craft are to be rendered unsinkable, either by manufacturer design (bulkheads etc.) or via extra buoyancy devices (fitted airbags etc.)
  • Different craft may be used for different circumnavs.
  • We do not consider inflatable craft as suitable for this challenge.


  • No assistance from outside the paddling group.
  • No motors, support craft etc.
  • Kayak/canoe sails are allowed within the 1000 Island Challenge - for untimed runs.


  • All paddlers must undertake an assessment of risk - for their chosen route, venue, craft, personal ability and conditions.
  • Ensure you and your group are capable of handling any conditions or hazards possible on your chosen route.
  • The management of any risk is entirely the responsibility of the paddler(s).
  • Ensure your route avoids any exclusions or danger areas. Avoid shipping channels where possible and follow all local/national regulations as applicable.
  • We make no claim or assurance that any of the islands listed are fully navigable. YOU need to research and plan to ensure your chosen route is a safe and realistic proposition.
  • Paddlers are to wear a PFD (Personal Flotation Device) at all times whilst on the water.
  • PFDs should meet ISO 12402 or be CE approved, and must be in good condition.
  • Helmets and leashes should be worn where applicable (helmets on moving/shallow water - quick-release leashes on Skis, SUP's etc where necessary).
  • All craft are to be rendered unsinkable, either by manufacturer design (bulkheads etc.) or via extra buoyancy devices (fitted airbags etc.)
  • Safety equipment such as VHF radio, PLB, flares, mobile phone, map, compass, shelter etc. should be carried as deemed appropriate in your risk assesment.
  • Leave details of your route and time of return with a shore party and inform HM Coastguard as necessary.
  • If you choose to paddle solo be aware of the significant extra risks involved.
  • If you have any doubts - THEN DO NOT GO!

Circumnavigating multiple islands (from Kate Duffus) - click to enlarge.

* Info updated 03-Feb-2025 *
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